Wednesday, 10/20/10 -- Seventh Grade.
Due: Vocabulary. Due tomorrow: Sentence Combining
Warm Up 10/20/10. Copy.
  1. *ballet : dance :: pointe : _______ (not ballet)
  2. *energy : fatigue :: professional : __________
  3. *money : bank :: water : _______
  4. *rubric : grades :: camera : _____
  5. *throw : bouquet :: cruise : ______
  6. **calm : apprehensive :: memorable : ______
  7. **Your story _____(s) me; tell me more.


  1. A declarative sentence... a) gives an order.  b) asks a question. c) makes a statement.  d) says wow.
  2. An imperative sentence... a) gives an order.  b) asks a question. c) makes a statement.  d) says wow.
  3. An interrogative sentence... a) gives an order.  b) asks a question. c) makes a statement.  d) says wow.
  4. In an imperative sentence, the subject is usually... a) he  b) it  c) do  d) they  e) none of the above
  5. Tell me where Australia is located   a) declarative  b) imperative  c) interrogative  d) exclamatory
  6. Do you know what limberger is a) declarative  b) imperative  c) interrogative  d) exclamatory
  7. Can you name two Australian birds a) declarative  b) imperative  c) interrogative  d) exclamatory
  8. You can see the penguin from here a) declarative  b) imperative  c) interrogative  d) exclamatory
  9. Notice how polite he is a) declarative  b) imperative  c) interrogative  d) exclamatory
  10. What kind of sentence is this  a) declarative  b) imperative  c) interrogative  d) exclamatory

Go over vocabulary homework.
Vocabulary Pretest #8.

  1. After Mr. Shmarty lost his ring at the beach, they _______(ed) through the sand until they found it.  a) palpable  b) wheedle  c) intrigue  d) ebb  e) sift
  2. The candidate's popularity _________(ed) as scandal after scandal was uncovered.   a) aghast  b) wheedle  c) enhance  d) ebb  e) sift
  3. While Mr. Buffy was in training, he took several different vitamin ___________. a) enhances  b) supplements  c) palpables  d) transgressions  e) intrigues
  4. Third period tried to ___________ Mr. Coward into postponing the assignment, but Denial is not just a river in Egypt.  a) enhance  b) wheedle  c) palpable  d) ebb  e) sift   (Bonus: What is this type of joke called?)
  5. The class was ________ that someone would be silly enough to commit a ___________ like that in front of Mr. Coward. a) palpable/enhanced   b) nondescript/supplement  c) apprehensive/aghast  d) intrigued/sift  e) aghast/transgression
  6. The new landscaping in front of the house really ___________(ed) its value.  a) enhance  b) aghast  c) transgress  d) ebb  e) sift
  7. After testing out several kinds of toilet paper, Mr. Sensitive found that one brand was ___________ better than the others for comfort.  a) enhance  b) supplementary  c) palpably  d) transgression  e) aghast
  8. I found your story __________(ing), but ultimately unbelievable.  a) enhance    b) nondescript  c) apprehensive  d) intrigue  e) aghast
  9. Genevieve's  wardrobe was rather __________ and boring until she went on the show What not to Wear.   a) enhanced    b) nondescript  c) apprehensive  d) intriguing  e) supplementary
  10. The class's relief was __________ when Mr. Coward canceled the test. A giant sigh escaped from every student. (Then they woke up.)  a) enhance    b) nondescript  c) apprehensive  d) intrigue  e) palpable
  11. I really like mystery novels because of all the adventure and __________.   a) wheedle    b) nondescript  c) apprehensive  d) intrigue  e) palpable
  12. As a rule, grandparents respond to _____________(ing) more than parents do.   a) wheedle    b) ebb  c) apprehensive  d) intrigue  e) sift
  13. Another name for detention might be "__________ behavior training."  a) aghast   b) nondescript  c) apprehensive  d) intrigued  e) supplementary   (Bonus: What's this kind of expression called?)

The Outsiders. Open Mouth Quiz on Chapter 7.

  1. Why do the Curtises leave their front door unlocked? a) In case Pony forgets his key.  b) Because it's a safe neighborhood.  c) In case one of the boys needs a place to calm down.  d) Because Darry's so big. e) Because nobody messes with the greasers in their own neighborhood.
  2. What sort of "legal trouble" does Johnny face for the "Bob incident"?  a) They're charging him with murder.   b) They're charging him with manslaughter.  c) He has to appear in court for running away from home. d) b and c.  e) They're letting him off because he's a hero.
  3. What sort of "legal trouble" does  Pony face for the "Bob incident"? a) They're charging him with manslaughter.  b) He has to appear in court for running away from home.  c) They're charging him for not reporting the crime.  d) b and c.  e) They're letting him off for being a hero.
  4. Pony's nightmares started... a) When his parents died.  b) The night of his parents' funeral.  c) When Darry started being hard on him.  d) After he got jumped in Chapter 1.  e) After Johnny got jumped.
  5. Why was Darry so upset when Steve referred to him as "all brawn and no brain"? a) Darry still regrets not going to college.  b) Steve's such a jerk.  c) Darry thought he was smarter even than Ponyboy.  d) He knew it was true.  e) None of the above.
  6. What reason does Ponyboy give Randy for going into the church to save the kids?  a) He says he doesn't really know.  b) He thought it would get him off easy for the incident in the park.  c) He felt guilty for starting the fire.  d) He liked all the publicity. e) He thought it would be kind of fun..
  7. What does Randy say Bob wanted from his parents that he never got? a) Money.  b) To spoil him rotten.  c) To help him with his troubles.  d) To tell him no.  e) All of the above.
  8. How is Bob like Johnny? a) Johnny is dying and Bob is dead.  b) They hated each other. c) They both needed their parents to pay attention to them.  d) They both were good at fighting. e) They're not alike at all.
  9. "Greaser didn't have anything to do with it...It's the individual." (p115) Pony means... a) most Socs wouldn't have gone in to save the kids. b) most greasers wouldn't have gone in to save the kids.  c) you can't tell everything about a person by the group he's a part of. d) only he and Johnny would have done something like that. e) All of the above.
  10. When does Pony finally realize Cherry was right when she said, "Things are rough all over"?  a) When Randy tells him about Bob's parents  b) When Randy invites him to talk in his car.  c) When he reads the newspaper articles  d) After Randy explains why he won't show at the rumble.  e) When Two-Bit agrees with her.


Wednesday, 10/20/10 -- EIGHTH GRADE
Due: Vocabulary. Due tomorrow: Sentence Combining
Answers for prefixes on pretest: inter = between,  intra = within,  counter = against,  super = over

Warm Up 10/20/10. Copy.

  1. *translate : interpret :: shallow : __________
  2. *"between burst thing" = _____________
  3. *"over look" = ____________
  4. *between scatter" = ___________
  5. *intercept : verb :: d'oh : ___________
  6. **diligence : nonchalance :: savvy : _______
  7. **famous : obscure :: straight : _________


  1. Jimmy didn't understand peace, love, or understanding; he just knew hate, mistrust, and greed.  a) correctly punctuated  b) incorrectly punctuated
  2. My friend Sam, the kung-fu fighter, got a good night's sleep,  he wanted to be ready for STAR testing the next day.   a) correctly punctuated  b) incorrectly punctuated
  3. For the trip everyone took the following; cheese, a pair of stilts, and some Cheerios.   a) correctly punctuated  b) incorrectly punctuated
  4. Mrs. Negranti, the second best teacher at Laguna, likes to do the Hamster Dance; she dances around and tears up papers with no name, while the Hamster Dance web site shows on the screen.   a) correctly punctuated  b) incorrectly punctuated
  5. After the show, which was an hour long, we went home; we didn't want to stay for the punch and cookies, nor did we want to talk to those people.   a) correctly punctuated  b) incorrectly punctuated

Go over vocabulary homework.
Vocabulary Pretest #8 - Write the answer in your notebook.
convoluted, vulgar, superlative, rationale, fissure, progressive, regression, superfluous, naivete, auspices

  1. Tacking "The End"  at the end of your essay is just a bit _______.
  2. Start with one, take away half. Take away half again, and again, and again, and... This is an example of an infinite _________. (BTW: You will never reach zero.)
  3. Charlie's __________ made him think Joe Carp and Frank Reilly were his friends, but they were just pretending.
  4. The giant ________ in the water-damaged dam...
  5. ...was  ________(ly) widening each day it rained. Soon the dam would burst.
  6. The roller coaster was a __________ tangle of metal and wood after the tornado.
  7. National Geographic magazine is published under the _______ of the National Geographic Society.
  8. Part of the joke of those Capital One ads is that the ______barbarians are running around in the middle of sophisticated and cultural settings.
  9. Many of those blurbs you see in movie ads that tell how ________ the movie is were written by the movie studios themselves.
  10. There didn't seem to be any _______ behind his grading system. It just seemed random.
  11. When you lie it is best to avoid _________ explanations. It is always best to keep it simple, so you can easily remember what you  said before.
  12. His _______ joke didn't go over so well with the nun; she was offended.