Thursday, 9/16/10 - SEVENTH GRADE
Tomorrow's Test: academic words, vocabulary, verbs, Outsiders
Warm Up. 9/16/10.  Copy all. For 1-5, use your academic word list to choose the best word for each blank. #6-8 will be vocabulary words.
If you scored 20/20 on the academic words pretest, you may write only the answers for #1-5.
If you scored 13/13 on yesterday's vocabulary pretest, you may skip the copying on #6-8.
  1. He was obsessed with his new hobby; it totally __________(ed) his life.
  2. He spent a lot of time and money __________(ing) the first Spider-Man comic.
  3. He __________(ed) the incident very differently than he did.
  4. The council studied the ______  _______ of the new shopping center. (There a a few ways to get this one correct.)
  5. The nouns _________ and ________ both mean similar things.
  6. lazy : dogged :: flattered : _______
  7. fear : panic :: ask : ________
  8. Since I studied, I _________ myself quite well on that test.
  9. It is ironic that Two-Bit is still a junior at 18 1/2 years old. a) True  b) False
  10. The protagonist of our story so far is...  a) Darry  b) the Socs  c) the greasers  d) Soda  e) Ponyboy
Voibs+! 10+ = exempt.
  1. We had to retreat hastily from his lair.  a) noun  b) verb  c) adjective  d) NOTA
  2. We beat a hasty retreat from his lair.  a) noun  b) verb  c) adjective  d) NOTA
  3. The word are is a form of the word be.  a) True  b) False
  4. "What time is it?"  a) noun  b) verb  c) adjective   d) NOTA
  5. Only _____  have a past, present, and future tense.   a) adjectives  b) verbs   c) nouns   d) NOTA
  6. Which one is not a verb?  a) acquit  b) implore  c) subside  d) leery  e) All are verbs.
  7. Running down the hill, Mayor McCheese tripped. a) adjective  b) verb   c) noun   d) NOTA
  8. The running man tripped and fell.  a) adjective  b) verb   c) noun   d) NOTA
  9. Two-Bit nodded sagely. "Nice  cut, too. Makes you look tough."  a) noun  b) verb  c) adjective   d) NOTA
  10. You can't have a sentence without a verb.  a) True  b) False
  11. "Mr. Morton is the _______ of the sentence, and what the ________ says, he does."  a) predicate, subject  b) noun, subject  c) subject,  adjective  d) subject, predicate  e) NOTA
  • Outsiders   Chapter One Quiz. Open Mouth?!
    1. "If it weren't for the gang, _______ would never have known what love and affection are."  a) Steve  b) Dally  c) Johnny  d) Darry  e) Two-Bit
    2. "I'd never tell Soda...but sometimes I can't stand _______... Sometime I hate him."  a) Soda  b) Steve  c) Two-Bit  d) Darry  e) Dally
    3. "The shade of difference that separates a greaser from a hood wasn't present in _____."  a) Darry  b) Johnny  c) Two-Bit  d) Steve  e) Dally
    4.  Pony says that the greasers sometimes deserve the treatment they get from other people.  a) True  b) False
    5. In chapter 1, Pony compares himself to Pip, in Great Expectations, because... a) Pip was an orphan like him.  b) Pip had two older brothers.  c) People judged Pip as low-class  d) All of the above.  e) NOTA
    6. "They are right. You are a hood." Who's talking?  a) The girl in one of Pony's classes  b) Dally's ex-girlfriend   c) Steve  d) Two-Bit's mom  e) The Socs who jumped Pony
    7. This scene illustrates how Pony has an internal conflict about whether or not he likes being a greaser.  a) True  b) False
    8. Which quote is the reason Pony gives for the behavior of  Soda and Steve? (The fights, drag races, etc.)  a) "'s fun..."   b) most girls "looked at us like we were dirt..."   c) the Socs "got all the breaks..."   d) "...too much feeling with no way to blow it off..."   e) " specific thing to hate..."
    9. Soda agrees that Darry doesn't seem to like Pony very much.  a) True  b) False
    10. Deep down, Pony knows Darry loves him.  a) True  b) False
    11.  Johnny : his parents :: Dally : _______   a) Dally  b) his parents  c) the world  d) Steve  e) All of these.


    Thursday, 9/16/10 - EIGHTH GRADE
    Tomorrow's Test: academic words, vocabulary, s/cd, NBTT
    Copy all. For 1-5, use your academic word list to choose the best word for each blank. #6-8 will be vocabulary words.
    If you scored 20/20 on the academic words pretest, you may write only the answers for #1-5.
    If you scored 11/11 on yesterday's vocabulary pretest, you may skip the copying on #6-8.

    1. When you comment about the book, please _________ your opinion with examples.
    2. The greater the __________(ity) the greater the opportunity for failure.
    3. He ________ help from the _________ for his problems with the teacher.
    4. His ________(ion) to the ________ was a great honor. (Don't use the same word you used in #3.)
    5. The maniac could not make the ________ between right and wrong.
    6. Miss Narwin thought Phil was being _______; he thought he was being funny.
    7. By not saying anything, he was _________(ing) the bully's actions.
    8. The king's arena in LoT is a good example of a(n) __________ decision.

    Types of Sentences III
    Do page 152 w/a partner. Separate and click the pretest. 18/20 combined, or 10/10 right now = exempt tomorrow.

    1. p152-A1  a) simple  b) compound
    2. p152-A2  a) simple  b) compound
    3. p152-A3  a) simple  b) compound
    4. p152-A4  a) simple  b) compound
    5. A simple sentence can have only one subject.  a) True  b) False
    6. When you use a coordinating conjunction, you also have to use a semicolon.  a) True  b) False
    7. The word because is an example of a coordinating conjunction.  a) True  b) False
    8. A good use for the knowledge of simple/compound sentences is for combining short, choppy sentences into smoother-sounding ones.  a) True  b) False
    9. Books and clothes were scattered all over the room.  a) simple  b) compound
    10. The picnic begins at noon; the clouds should be gone by then.  a) simple  b) compound

    Read through page 24.
    Post about Phillip/Miss Narwin. Use a quote from the book this time. If you posted about Phillip last time, switch to Miss Narwin, and vice versa.
    Before you post, read the other posts on the wall.