Thursday,9/23/10 - SEVENTH GRADE
Due: Crossword. Due tomorrow: KBARR
Test Tomorrow:
Spelling (Practice the ones you missed 5x each for extra credit!),
Roots (warm ups),
Vocabulary (blue sheet/warm ups),
Commas (pink sheet),
Outsiders (pay attention)

Warm Up 9/23/10. Copy. * = spelling word  ** = vocabulary word

  1. *"together sound" = __________
  2. *"earth writing" = _________
  3. *"dance write"  = __________
  4. *"between time" = __________
  5. **nonchalant : hysterical :: gossipy : _______
  6. **The comedian ____(ed) the famous politician.
  7. **S. E. Hinton says that she didn't have the ______ to be a teacher.
Pink Sheet: p11. Verb Phrases
Verb Phrase Pretest II. (10/10 right now = exempt.)
  1. Helping verbs help link the subject to the predicate.  a) True  b) False
  2. p11 - A2:  Helping Verb?  a) have  b) been  c) have been looking  d) looking  e) NOTA
  3. _______ you ever hear of Harriet Tubman?  a) have  b) has  c) did  d) had  e) does
  4. p11 - A4: Main Verb?  a) are  b) are learning  c) are learning how  d) how  e) learning
  5. He was screaming. The word was is being used as a helping verb.  a) True  b) False
  6. In English, we use helping verbs to help express past and future tenses.  a) True  b) False
  7. "It was almost four months ago. I _____ walked down to the DX to get a bottle of pop." a) was  b) did  c) had  d) done  e) has
  8. "He ____ hunting our football to practice a few kicks." a) had been   b) been   c) were being  d) were  e) NOTA
  9. p11 - A9: Verb Phrase? a) how does  b) does work  c) how does work  d) how work e) NOTA
  10. p11 - A10: Verb Phrase?  a)know  b) may  c) may know  d) may know answer  e) NOTA

The Outsiders.

Open Mouth Quiz on Chapter 2

  1. According to Pony --  greasers : gang :: Socs : ___  a) gang  b) social club c) family  d) pack e) none of the above
  2.  icebox : fridge :: dame : _______  a) wide  b) tuff  c) girl  d) Soc  e) none of the above
  3. "Sorry, kid...I forgot."(p27) Who said?  a) Cherry  b) Two-Bit  c) Dally  d) Pony  e) Soda
  4. "Sorry, kid...I forgot."(p27) What's going on?  a) Johnny was jumped again.  b) Darry forgot to pick up Pony at the movies. c) Soda was sorry Steve was a jerk before.  d) Two-Bit forgot how jumpy Johnny was. e) Dally forgot that Johnny was the gang's pet.
  5. Since the beating, Johnny has used his knife to defend himself more than once.  a) True  b) False
  6. When Pony tells Cherry about Johnny's beating, that is an example of...  a) foreshadowing  b) flashback  c) interruption  d) introduction  e) character analysis
  7. "Things are rough all over." Who said?  a) Cherry  b) Two-Bit  c) Dally  d) Pony  e) Soda
  8. "Things are rough all over."  What does she/he mean?  a) The greasers are looked down on by everyone.  b) Socs get all the breaks.  c) Life sucks.  d) Socs have problems too.  e) People like Dally are jerks.
  9. "I know better now." Who said? a) Cherry  b) Soda  c) Pony  d) Dally  e) Johnny
  10. "I know better now."  This is an example of...  a) foreshadowing  b) flashback  c) interruption  d) introduction  e) character analysis
  11. When we assume that all members of a group are the same, we are using a ________ to judge people.  a) character analysis  b) racism  c) stereotype  d) character trait  e) NOTA
  12. Our main protagonist so far is... a) Johnny  b) Cherry  c) Dally  d) Ponyboy  e) the Socs
  13. Our main antagonist so far is...  a) Johnny  b) Cherry  c) Dally  d) Ponyboy  e) the Socs

Chapter 3.

Thursday, 9/23/10 - EIGHTH GRADE
Due: Crossword. Due Tomorrow: KBARR, prereads for Perfect II.
Test Tomorrow:
Spelling (Practice the ones you missed 5x each for extra credit!),
Roots (warm ups),
Vocabulary (yaller sheet/warm ups),
Commas (salmon sheet),
NBTT (pay attention)

Warm Up, 9/23/10. Copy 1-7. * = spelling word  ** = vocabulary word

  1. *natural : synthetic :: apathy : ________
  2. *pretty : lovely :: balanced : _________
  3. *funny : amusing :: diseased : __________
  4. *"together time make" = _________
  5. *"original competitor" = _________
  6. *"together/same sound" = _________
  7. (2) **It would be _______ for you to _______ your urge to talk while Mr. Coward is talking.
  8. **Mr. Coward's ________ here at LAMS has so far lasted 18 years.
  9. Which sentence on p194, Part A contains an example of an appositive? Copy the part of the sentence that is an appositive.

Salmon Sheet, p194. Commas.
Click in what you marked. 10/10 = Exempt.

IF we were to rewrite this book using a narrator instead of the actual documents involved, who would make the best narrator?
Some third person omniscient narrator?
Or would first person be a better way to tell the story? Who would tell it?