Tuesday, 9/28/10 - Assembly Schedule (6th period.)
Warm Up 9/28/10. Click and Copy.
  1. Juliet bought a frame and all the ______(s) she needed, and built her bike herself.  a) document  b) outcome  c) specify  d) component  e) scheme
  2. There have been no actual, ________(ed) "flying saucer" sightings.  a) sequence  b) justify  c) considerable  d) document  e) valid
  3. Juliet's father would not give his ________ for her to marry Romeo.  a) justify  b) consent  c) sufficient  d) valid  e) outcome
  4. The size of our football field was _______(ed) by the size of Romeo's yard.  a) contribute  b) convene  c) coordinate  d) sufficient  e) constrain
  5. We haven't had a _______ amount of rain lately; it's been pretty dry.  a) justify  b) considerable  c) valid  d) constrain  e) document
  6. I don't like what you're _____(ing); I would never cheat.  a) consent  b) imply  c) valid  d) convene  e) contribute
Correct Pretest2A. Due Friday: A sentence of your own for each word you missed, or pick 10 words to do sentences for, whichever is more.

The Outsiders, Chapter 3 Quiz. Open book. Open Mouth.

  1. What joke does Two-Bit make at the expense of the Socs?  a) "...reeling and passing out in the streets 'a little'?"  b) "Who you callin' bums?"  c) "I'm a natural normal."  d) "...pity the back seat..."  e) "Wish it was the other way around..."
  2. Why does Cherry leave with Bob and the other Socs?  a) "I could fall in love with Dallas Winston. I hope I never see him again or I will."  b) "We couldn't let our parents see us with you all."  c) "...if I see you...and don't say hi..."   d) "I can't stand fights."   e) "It's me or the booze."
  3. "Just don't forget that some of us watch the sunset too." (Who's talking to whom?)  a) Pony to Johnny  b) Pony to the Socs  c) Johnny to Cherry  d) Cherry to Pony  e) Pony to Cherry
  4. "Just don't forget that some of us watch the sunset too."  What is he/she talking about?  a) Why the Socs are the way they are - aloof.  b) How pretty the sunset is.  c) How greasers and Socs aren't all that different.  d) How the greasers feel too much.  e) All of the above.
  5. "You don't ever think..." (Who's talking to whom?)  a) Pony to Johnny  b) Johnny to Pony  c) Pony to Cherry  d) Darry to Pony  e) Darry to Soda
  6. Why is Darry so upset with Pony for getting home so late?  a) Pony could get jumped again.  b) Darry could get arrested.  c) They don't have the money to get Pony out of jail.  d) The family might be split up.  e) Because of the cops' attitude about greasers.
  7. Why does Johnny say that he "almost likes it better when the old man is hitting me"?   a) "It just ain't the same."  b) ..."sometimes we get along okay..."  c) "At least then I know he knows who I am."  d) "At least you got Soda."  e) NOTA
  8. Johnny agrees with Pony that the gang is a good substitute for his bad family life.  a) True  b) False
  9. "It seems like there's gotta be someplace without greasers or Socs, with just people..."  (Who said?)  a) Pony  b) Johnny  c) Soda  d) Cherry  e) Two-Bit

  10. When Pony's ears get red, it means he's...  a) angry  b) embarrassed  c) scared  d) sad  e) jealous
Inciting incident.
Rising Action.

EIGHTH GRADE. Collect Perfect II.
Warm Up. Click and Copy.

  1. The Constitution is considered part of the _____________ of our nation.  a) reliance  b) framework  c) constant  d) justification  e) dominant
  2. What where the ____________ surrounding the incident you witnessed?  a) volumes  b) constraints  c) conventions  d) frameworks  e) circumstances
  3. The Boy Scouts teach that part of self-____________ is being prepared.  a) proportion  b) interaction  c) reliance  d) justification  e) compensation
  4. The Napoleon Complex refers to a person who uses aggression as a _____________ for shortness. a) framework  b) minority  c) proportion  d) compensation  e) justification
  5. She was weird, but her parents were very normal, very ___________(al).  a) convention  b) interaction  c) reliance  d) justification  e) compensation
  6. The main ________ for our football field was the size of Romeo's yard. a) instance  b) core  c) circumstances  d) reliance  e) constraint
Correct Pretest 2A. Due Friday: A sentence of your own for each word you missed, or pick 10 words to do sentences for, whichever is more.

NBTT. (up to p48)

  1. Phillip says he didn't tell his dad the real reason about the track team because...  a) he thought Dad would make him work harder in English  b) he thought Dad would get angry.  c) he thought Dad wouldn't understand.  d) he lied about the coach wanting him on the team.  e) NOTA
  2. What reason did Phillip give his dad? What did Dad take from the "conversation."  a) He didn't like to run any more.  b) The team wasn't going to be any good.  c) The coach was too hard.  d) He didn't have to do what his dad did.  e) NOTA
  3. What is Dad's advice?  a) Ask Miss Narwin for extra work.  b) "Do what I did."  c) Take advantage of your talent for running.  d) Do whatever you want; it's your life.  e) NOTA
  4. Miss Narwin thinks she deserved to get the grant to improve her teaching.  a) True  b) False
  5. What does Miss Narwin use the expression "bread and circuses" to describe?  a) Her class with Phillip.  b) The school board.  c) The grant for the marching band  d) Phillip's humming during the national anthem.  e) NOTA
  6. Most people we have seen share Phillip's attitude about Miss Narwin.  a) True  b) False
  7. Miss Narwin doesn't give Phillip a reason for telling him to stop humming.  a) True  b) False
  8. What does the quote from Julius Ceasar mean? (p48)  a) The eye sees what it wants to.  b) The eye can only see itself by using something else.  c) Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  d) The eyes lie.  e) NOTA

