Tuesday, 4/17/12
Checking vocabulary and AW sentences.
Warm Up. Copy. { } = do not copy
Sentence and definition due tomorrow for each one wrong today.
implicit, manipulate, clarify, succinct, fluctuate, accumulate, irrevocable, collateral, deficit, deviate, crucial
  1. {If you don't understand something,} be sure to ask _____________(ing) questions until the concept is clear {to you.} (Not crucial.)
  2. {Even though we have a gentle climate,} the temperature can  ____________ by as much as fifty degrees {between day and night.}
  3. {After three days of game-play,} he had ________________(ed) enough points to move to the next level.
  4. {Once you say something out loud,} those words are ________; you can't take them back.
  5. The spoiled little girl was very good at ________________(ing) her parents {into giving her just what she wanted.}
  6. {Please stick exactly to the plan;} do not ______________ from the plan in any way.

Go over vocabulary homework.
Vocabulary Pretest.

  1. After a while, interest in yoyos _________(ed) and some other fad took over.  a) jeer  b) clamor  c) bode  d) wax  e) wane
  2. The echoes of Tom's shouts in the cave sounded like ________(ing) laughter that mocked them. a) clamor  b) jeer  c) wane  d) perishable  e) bode
  3. Tom went behind the limestone "waterfall" in order to use his candle to light it up for Becky's __________.  a) imperishable  b) stupor  c) clamorous  d) gratification  e) bode
  4. You should refrigerate ________ items like milk and eggs, because they quickly go bad if you don't.  a) clamor  b) jeer  c) attrition  d) perishable  e) bode
  5. As the month goes on, the moon will ________ until it is full, and then ________. a) wax, wane  b) wane, wax  c) jeer, bode  d) bode, jeer
  6. When the boys came back from "the dead," Aunt Polly _________(ly) hugged and kissed Tom, and then embarrassed Huck by doing the same to him. a) effusive  b) jeer  c) gratifying  d) stupor  e) prodigious
  7. The accelerated class started with 28 students, but through the ________ of so much extra work, 10 people dropped out.   a) jeer  b) clamor  c) gratifying  d) stupor  e) attrition
  8. The sub didn't have much control over the class, and there was quite a(n) ________ when the principal walked in.  a) effusive  b) clamor  c) gratifying  d) stupor  e) attrition
  9. Tom thought that Huck's dream about rats was  __________(ing) that trouble was ahead.  a) effusive  b) jeer  c) gratifying  d) stupor  e) bode
  10. He ate a(n) __________   amount of hot dogs in the hot dog eating contest.  a) effusive  b) jeer  c) gratifying  d) stupor  e) prodigious
  11. After the rumble, Ponyboy was in a(n) ________ as Dally dragged him to the hospital to see Johnny.  a) jeer  b) attrition  c) clamor  d) stupor  e) wane


Outlining. Use your homework to help you.

  1. Camping IB: a) Sleeping bags  b) Choosing a campsite  c) Food, etc. d) Selecting clothing  e) NOTA
  2. Camping IIA:  a) Making a fire  b) Choosing a campsite  c) Setting up tents  d) Sleeping bags  e) NOTA
  3. Camping IIA2: a) Making a fire  b) Arranging wood c) Setting up tents  d) Presence of fuel  e) NOTA
  4. Camping IIB:  a) Making a fire  b) Choosing a campsite  c) Setting up tents  d) Safety tips  e) NOTA
  5. Camping IIIA: a) Other safety tips  b) Personal health c) Purifying water d) Safety tips  e) NOTA


Tom Sawyer 26

  1. For Tom and Huck, what is the unluckiest day of the week?  a) Monday  b) Tuesday  c) Wednesday  d) Thursday  e) Friday
  2. Who is pictured in Illustration A?  a) Injun Joe's partner, the ragged man.  b) Another detective hired to find Injun Joe.  c) Injun Joe d) Tom's disguise for following Injun Joe.  e) None of the above.
  3. What saved the boys from being caught by Injun Joe in the haunted house the first time?  a) Injun Joe didn't look their way when they were poking around.  b) Their superstition about Fridays.  c) Their superstition about ghosts.  d) It was too dark to see them.  e) None of the above.
  4. What was the original caption for Illustration B? a) The Search for Joe Ends  b) The Detective Catches Injun Joe.  c) Joe's Secret.   d) Hidden Treasures Unearthed.  e) The Body.
  5. In one word, the "job" that Injun Joe talks about "aint robbery  altogether -- it's _____!"   a) murder  b) escape  c) treasure  d) revenge  e) NOTA
  6. Why does Injun Joe decide not to rebury the treasure they find? a) He wonders why there was a pick and shovel there.  b) He knows the boys have been watching him.  c) He doesn't trust his partner, the ragged man.  d) He's leaving town right away.  e) None of the above.
  7. Which of the following was the original caption for Illustration C?  a) The Fight  b) Muff's Revenge  c) The End of Injun Joe?  d) The Boys' Salvation  e) Treasure Hunting Fun.
A)  B)  C)