Thursday, 4/19/12
Tomorrow's Test: Academic Words, Vocabulary, Outlining, Tom Sawyer (not just chapter 30)
Checking: AW definitions/sentences, Automobile
Warm Up. Partners.You may NOT move.

implicit, inevitable, deviate, succinct, contemporary, exploit, accumulate
arbitrary, wax, clamor, bode, collateral, induce, ambiguous, attrition
  1. Even in ___ slang, the word cool still means good.
  2. Our ____ choice for where to stay turned out to be a good one...this time.
  3. The guest teacher _____(ed) from the lesson plan, and spent the period showing a video.
  4. The poem's language was so _______ that everyone interpreted it differently.
  5. When you interview for a job, stay focused and try to keep your answers _______ .
  6. With a little persuasion, I was able to ____ him to lessen the punishment.
  7. Most classroom rules don't have to be written down or said, they should be known ____(ly).
  8. His performance in the first quarter ______(s) well for the rest of the game.
  9. The bank wouldn't give him a loan because he didn't have anything for ____.
  10. In this class, if you do not do your homework, you will ______(ly) fail.
  11. Mark Twain's book could have been called The ______(s) of Tom Sawyer.
  12. Please _____ the car for your dad.


Automobile Outline (10p)
Subject: The automobile has become the American Nightmare

I. Main means of transportation
    A. Too many people dependent on the car
    B. More cars and more roads mean more traffic congestion,
II.  Leading source of air pollution
    A. Average car: 5 tons of carbon dioxide each year
    B. Contributes to acid rain and smog
III. Leading cause of death and injury
    A. Kills 265,000 and injures millions annually
    B. New dangers with 2 recent developments
        1. Large SUV's: rollovers and danger to smaller cars
        2. Road rage and reckless driving have increased
IV. Alternatives to the automobile
    A. Better city design to decrease auto dependence
    B. Public transportation

Research Topics. Good topic or not?

  1. How did Elvis die?
  2. The history of soccer.
  3. France.
  4. Do violent media make kids more violent?
  5. How does a computer work?
  6. The subject of the "automobile" outline.


Tom Sawyer chapter 29.

  1. Where do Tom and Becky plan to go after the picnic? a) Becky's house.  b) Aunt Polly's.  c) The widow Douglas's.  d) Each to his/her own house.  e) Somewhere else.
  2. Only a few of the parents went on the picnic with the kids. a) True  b) False
  3. Injun Joe wants revenge on the Widow for something she did to him a long time ago.  a) True  b) False
  4. What does Injun Joe want to do to the widow?  a) Kill her.  b) Rob her.  c) Vandalize her house.  d) Kidnap her.  e) NOTA
  5. What is the Welshman's reaction when Huck knocks on his door to tell him about Injun Joe? a) He welcomes him.  b) He says that he can't open his door for him.  c) He says that people usually wouldn't open their door for Huck. d) He doesn't believe it's Huck. e) None of the above.
  6. At the end of chapter 29, Huck is shot.  a) True  b) False
  7. We are in the ________ portion of the story right now.  a) exposition  b) climax  c) resolution  d) rising action  e) inciting incident


Tom Sawyer, Chapter 30.