Friday, 12/2/11 - Extended Homies Schedule for Locker Check.
Prepare sheet for Test #12.
Mental Floss.
From what can you take away the
whole, and still have some left?
I am more microscopic than microscopic;
I am more minuscule than minuscule. I am smaller than small and I am tinier
than tiny. Yet surprisingly, I am still big. What am I?
Wacky Wordy. What phrase is represented?
In Roman numerals, five is V
and eleven is XI. What is the numeral for nineteen?
If men have two hands, and monkeys
have four hands, what has three hands?
Mr. Cheeselog wasted lots of money
every day, and now he is a millionaire. How?
Wacky Wordy. What phrase is represented?
Spring - Hola Summer - Bonjour
Fall - Hello Winter - Aloha
Test #12.