Friday, 12/9/11 - Second Period Assembly Schedule
Prepare sheet for Test #13.
Mental Floss.
Which one of the following does not
belong with the others? Why? (Not a trick. Must get both parts correct.)
binoculars, eyeglasses, goggles,
handlebars, jeans, pliers, scissors, shoes, tweezers
Where can you finish reading several
books before you finish even one sentence?
There is one word in the English language
that is always pronounced incorrectly. What is it?
How many sides does a circle have?
I have three of the same digit. Put
together they make twelve. The digit is not 4. What is it?
Why do black sheep eat less grass
overall than white sheep?
Without rearranging the letters that
follow, make a word that is intelligible (that means understandable; in
other words, a real word) by inserting three more letters.
Test #13.