Tuesday, 12/13/11
Warm Up. Vocabulary. COPY. Choose the correct word for each
One word will not be used. Bonus: Write a sentence for the extra word.
compliant, gluttony, stupefied, begrudge, frail, surfeit
This is one of the biblical "seven deadly sins." {And it
doesn't necessarily have to be about food, though it usually is.} ______.
"{I am but a poor woman...} I'm sure God does not ____ me
my little economies."
There was a _____ of volunteers to draw on the ShmartBoard.
{Too many volunteers.}
{After the punishment,} the class was much less wild, and
much more _____.
After the incident in the park, Ponyboy was ______ for a
while, {until regained his senses}.
Check Pink Sheet p163: TaG.
S/V Agreement Round Two. (Round One was the homework.)
Click A if the subject and the verb agrees. Click B if they do not
agree. (haha)
Mr. McCheese love swamps.
Therefore, on our field trip we went to Green Swamp.
Most of us would have chosen a day at the beach.
According to Mr. McCheese, the neatest things happens in the swamps.
He have lectured more than once on the topic of metamorphosis.
His examples has been caterpillars turning into butterflies and tadpoles
turning into frogs.
He gets pretty excited about tadpoles.
Actually, the metamorphosis is amazing.
One week the animals are breathing with gills like fish; the next week
they have lungs like us.
Even the dedicated beach goers wants another visit to the swamp this
Correct IRP 344-345. (10 points)
IRP (p344-345) Reading Check. (8 points)
Which of the following instruments will probably not be used
for the activities in this lesson? a) ruler. b) thermometer.
c) scale. d) microscope. e) All will probably be used.
SI is an abbreviation for... a) Science International b) International
Science Units c) Science International Units d) International
System of Units e) None of the above.
Why is SI important to science? a) The number 10 is easy to calculate
with. b) Because the earliest scientists needed a way to measure.
c) So scientists can share information. d) All of the above.
e) None of the above.
What is another example given of a specialized system of measurement?
a) Dating the age of fossils. b) Calendars. c) Sizes of clothes.
d) The Richter Scale for earthquakes. e) Inches and feet.
Which is not an objective for this lesson? a) To learn
the scientific units of measurement. b) To practice using the units
of measurement. c) To learn some of the tools used to make measurements.
d) To learn about the history of scientific measurement. e) They
are all objectives of the lesson.
The root for the word decimal is deca, which means _____. a)
science b) ten c) unit d) measure e) none of the
How many millimeters are in a centimeter? a) 10 b) 100
c) 1/10 d) 1000 e) None of the above.
If I had a hectaliter of liquid , how much would that be? a) 1000
liters b) 100 liters c) 10 liters d) 1/100 of a liter
e) none of the above
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Figures of Speech Hangman
Use the same sheet you used yesterday for the MWA questions.