Wednesday, 2/1/12
Checking Vocabulary and 600 words. Collecting Rough Drafts.
Warm Up (8). Copy. It could be spelling, or it could be vocabulary.
  1. tasty : delicious :: wordy : ________
  2. (2) Your job _____ needs a ______(ation) {from a previous employer}.
  3. When you are both-handed, you are ambi___.
  4. (2) Joe's ______ did not have the ______ for battle, {so Joe was victorious}.
  5. shirk : atone :: scan :_________
  6. The hotel ________(ions) were lovely.

Go over vocabulary homework.
Vocabulary Pretest.

  1. After a long, wet three days, the storm finally _______(ed). a) concoct  b) abate  c) scrutinize  d) shirk  e) atone
  2. Before you sign anything, always ________ it very carefully.  a) concoct  b) abate  c) scrutinize  d) shirk  e) atone
  3. He did a lot of community service to help _______ for his crime. a) reprove  b) decrepit  c) unstinting  d) shirk  e) atone
  4. He makes all sorts of weird fruit _______(ions) with that blender of his.  a) concoct  b) dexterous  c) laconic  d) shirk  e) verbose
  5. A captain at sea had the authority to whip a sailor who was _______(ing) his duty.  a) concoct  b) abate  c) scrutinize  d) shirk  e) atone
  6. Mother Teresa was a(n) _____ volunteer for the poor of India. She dedicated her life to helping them. a) decrepit  b) reprove  c) unstinting  d) dexterous  e) verbose
  7. My teacher thought I was ____(ing) my work, but I was only skipping it because I really didn't understand how to do it. a) concoct  b) abate  c) scrutinize  d) shirk  e) atone
  8. He didn't make a very good interview subject because he was so ___________.  a) laconic  b) decrepit  c) unstinting  d) dexterous  e) verbose
  9. The magician _________(ly) manipulated the cards. a) laconic  b) decrepit  c) unstinting  d) dexterous  e) verbose
  10. ________ and _______ are antonyms of each other.  a) unstinting, shirk  b) laconic, verbose  c) dexterous, unstinting  d) abate, reprove  e) concoct, shirk
  11. If you crashed the car, Mom would probably do much more than just _____ you. a) reprove  b) abate  c) scrutinize  d) shirk  e) atone
  12. The "haunted" house was so _________ that the stairs collapsed under us.  a) laconic  b) decrepit  c) unstinting  d) dexterous  e) verbose


Giver 23/Lois Lowry Speech/"The Pedestrian"/"The Forecast"

  1. Which of these things did not happen in chapter 23? a) It began snowing.  b) Jonas fell asleep. c) Jonas found a sled.  d) He gave Gabriel a memory of warmth.  e) They all happened.
  2. Which of these happened as Jonas reached the top of the last hill? a) He falls asleep.  b) He starts to feel happy.  c) He gives up.  d) He falls.  e) He loses the bike.
  3. What does Jonas hear from the place he's headed?  a) planes  b) shouts  c) talking  d) music  e) NOTA
  4. What does Jonas think he hears from the place he left?  a) planes  b) shouts  c) talking  d) music  e) NOTA
  5. There really was an Elsewhere.  a) True  b) False
  6. The Giver is written in ____ person.  a) 1st  b) 2nd  c) 3rd  d) 4th
  7. Which of these theories about the ending does Lois Lowry not relate in her speech?  a) Jonas and Gabriel die.  b) Jonas has gone in a huge circle.  c) Jonas has made it to Heaven.  d) They traveled to a parallel world of the past.  e) She relates all of these theories.
  8. The main conflict in "The Pedestrian" is... a) the police vs Mr. Mead  b) Mr. Mead vs himself  c) Mr. Mead vs his neighbors  d) Mr. Mead vs society  e) NOTA
  9. Where does the police car say it is taking Mr. Mead?  a) To jail.  b) To be studied for his weirdness.  c) To be euthanized.  d) To get him a video screen.  e) NOTA
  10. "The Pedestrian"  is written in... a) 1st person  b) 2nd person  c) 3rd person  d) 4th person
  11. "The Forecast" is written in...  a) 1st person  b) 2nd person  c) 3rd person  d) 4th person
  12. Which of the following is closest in its theme to "The Forecast"?  a) The Giver  b) "The Pedestrian"  c) "A Sound of Thunder"  d) The Outsiders  e) "Nothing Gold Can Stay"

Begin reading...
"Old Glory"
"I'd rather be a free man in my grave, than living as a puppet or a slave."
What is freedom? What should you be allowed to do?