Tuesday, 2/28/12
Warm Up. Copy. The answers will be spelling words.
  1. _______ literally means "womanly."
  2. speech : pauses :: writing : _______
  3. unfair : impartial :: hysterical : ______
  4. apart : separate :: unique : _______
  5. eatery : restaurant :: conduct (n) : _______
  6. vacation : souvenir :: shipwreck : ______
Spelling Pretest #14.
Write the correct spelling of each underlined word in your notebook. Some are already correct; copy them.
If you find extra credit mistakes, note them in your notebook.

"Busy P's...if you please."
Pink Sheet, p124. Prepositions.
Check Pink Sheet w/partner. Go over pink sheet.( -0 = +2  -1 = +1)
ID the prepositions. Remember: A preposition will ALWAYS have an object, ALWAYS be in a phrase, ALWAYS "...with a noun, or at least a pronoun, bringing up the rear..." ALWAYS have a word that answers WHAT? or WHO? Don't fall for the "to + a verb" such as to go, to run, to walk. That to is part of the verb.

  1. Jack fell down and broke his crown.   a) adverb  b) preposition
  2. The cowpoke came from San "Antone."     a) adverb  b) preposition
  3. Gabriel was worried when the plane flew over, and pedaled even faster.    a) adverb  b) preposition
  4. Myron mailed the letter to his grandma at the post office.  a) the(2), to, at  b) the(2), at  c) to  d) at  e) to, at
  5. Danny told us about the great vacation he had at lunch.  a) about  b) about, at  c) about, at, the  d) at  e) no prepositions
  6. Hundreds of people swarmed into the theater for the show.  a) of  b) of, into, swarmed  c) of, into  d) of, into, for  e) of, for
  7. Without a doubt, spitting on the subway is against the law.  a) without, doubt, on  b) without, on, is  c) without, on, against  d) on, against  e) against
  8. If you try, you know that you can fly...over the rainbow.  a) that  b) can  c) can, over  d) over  e) that, over
  9. I am going to skip on my way home from Grandmother's house.  a) to, on, from  b) on, from  c) from  d) to, from  e) on
  10. After years as head coach, he decided to step down.   a) after  b) after, as  c) after, as, down  d) after, down e) after, as, to
Bonus: What's grammatically wrong with #4 and #5?