Tuesday, 1/17/12 - Last Week (4 days) of the Semester!
Go over Test #15.

Warm Up. Academic Words 6-1. Copy.
explicit, rational, discriminate, incentive, scope, enhance, furthermore, nevertheless, incorporate, motive, allocate

  1. Please _________ at least five academic words into your essay.
  2. Nobody could understand the __________ of the man {who gave all his money away. It was a mystery why he did it}.
  3. Before the fine {for clicker-dropping was introduced}, there was very little ___________ not to drop them.
  4. He is honest, trustworthy, and loyal; ___________, he is funny.
  5. His job was to decide how much money to _____________ to police and fire protection.
  6. People use cosmetic surgery to try to _____________  their looks.
  7. I gave very ________, step-by-step instructions; {they should be easy to follow}.

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