Tuesday, 1/31/12
Warm Up. Copy. Use your spelling list to help you.
  1. cut : attach :: excite : ____
  2. device : apparatus :: chance : ______
  3. hunger : appetite :: indictment : ______
  4. nervous : apprehensive :: well-suited : ______ (Not attired--not that kind of suit.)
  5. allergy : appetite :: departure : ______
  6. flagpole :  perpendicular :: train tracks : _____

Spelling Pretest 12 - Old School.

Correct Pink Sheet. (12p) Complex Sentences, p155. (hint for #4: fanboys)

  1. A simple sentence is also called a(n) ________ clause.  a) dependent  b) independent
  2. A compound sentence contains a(n) _______ clause joined with a(n) _________ clause.  a) dependent, independent  b) independent, independent  c) dependent, dependent
  3. The clauses in a compound sentence are usually joined by a comma plus a coordinating ________.  a) verb  b) noun  c) adjective  d) adverb  e) conjunction
  4. (3) List at least three examples of #3. _______, _______, ______,
  5. A complex sentence contains one ________ clause, joined with one or more _______ clauses.  a) independent, independent  b) independent, dependent  c) dependent, independent
  6. The teacher walked into the classroom, greeted the students, and picked up the stick.  a) simple  b) compound  c) complex
  7. Juan played football while Alexia played hockey.  a) simple  b) compound  c) complex
  8. Your mom played basketball, but you were too tired.  a) simple  b) compound  c) complex
  9. Although she ate cheesecake, she still had dessert.  a) simple  b) compound  c) complex
  10. Slim passed the test since he studied hard.  a) simple  b) compound  c) complex

Giver Project due next Friday. (Counts for 600 words, so keep track of when you do it.)

120 seconds (if needed--mostly 1st and 3rd periods)

Other Classes: Begin Reading "The Pedestrian" p196