Tuesday, 3/13/12
Warm Up. Copy. Use your spelling list.
  1. * armchair : stationary :: wheelchair : _______
  2. * small : immense :: easy : _______
  3. * wood : natural :: plastic : ______
  4. * tired : exhausted :: important : ______
  5. * school : academic :: party : _____
  6. * sturdy : fragile :: vapid : ______
Spelling Pretest #16. Old School.
Trade and Grade w/red pens.

Pink Sheet, p175. Subject/Verb Agreement.Correct 9 of them.Circle:  1, 5, 6, 11, 12, 14   Pretest I.

  1. Titles always get singular verbs.   a) true  b) false
  2. The school subject "social studies" would take a _____   verb. a) singular  b) plural
  3. Words or phrases that identify time and amounts are usually ___.   a) singular  b) plural
  4. Which is an example of a collective noun?  a) ten dollars  b) corps  c) physics  d) scissors  e) assistant
  5. p175  #1  a) is  b) are
  6. p175 #5  a) is  b) are
  7. p175 #6  a) is  b) are
  8. p175 #11  a) is  b) are
  9. p175 #12  a) equals  b) equal
  10. p175 #14  a) was  b) were
Trade and Grade w/red pens.

Tom Sawyer Quiz on Chapter 6.

  1. What happens to Tom's pulled tooth?  a) He loses it.  b) He trades it to Huck for a dead cat.  c) He trades it to Huck for a tick.  d) He trades it for a blue ticket and a bladder from the slaughterhouse.  e) None of the above.
  2. Why did Tom admit to talking to Huck when he knew it would get him in trouble?  a) He forgot that Huck is a pariah among the adults.  b) He may pull pranks, but he doesn't lie.  c) He wanted to impress Becky. d) He likes the attention the punishment gets him.  e) NOTA
  3. Re. the picture at right. Who is the tall one? a) Tom  b) Becky  c) the schoolmaster  d) Huck  e) a man
  4. Re. the picture at right. Why was it drawn?  a) To impress someone.  b) To help someone with is/her work.  c) As art to display.  d) For no reason; just doodling.  e) None of the above.
  5. Read the last paragraph of chapter 6. After meeting Becky, Tom... a) misspelled a bunch of easy words.  b) had trouble reading in class.  c) had to give up a spelling award he had won.  d) actually tried to study. e) all of the above.

Chapter 7 aloud.