Tuesday, 3/27/12
Example of MT Paragraphing.

Warm Up. Copy. * = spelling  ** = vocabulary.
For # 1, Please cOpy the wordS, circle the one the doesn't belong, and tell why.

  1. (3) broccoli, harassment, embarrass, occupation, possession
  2. * school : faculty :: corporation : ______
  3. * Tom : proud :: Huck : ______(ed) {At the funeral.}
  4. **  funeral : melancholy (n) :: party : _____
  5. ** vindictive : genial :: bored : _____
  6. ** distant : nigh :: lenient : _____

Go over vocabulary homework.
Vocabulary Pretest.

  1. The class told Mr. Coward that they ________(ed) to watch a video, but he told them they should use that word for more meaningful things like love and success.  a) vindictive  b) genial  c) saunter  d) yearn  e) mirth
  2. The comedy club was called The House of _________.   a) melancholy  b) genial  c) rapt  d) mirth  e) exacting
  3. When Tom testified about the dead cat, "there was a ripple of _________" through the audience. Everyone thought that was funny.  a) regalia  b) mirth  c) yearn  d) melancholy  e) saunter
  4. The chips used in computers have to be made to very _________ standards; the least flaw will ruin a chip. a) vindictive  b) exacting  c) regalia  d) saunter  e) nigh
  5. After Tom talked to Muff Potter, he was feeling very ______ about Muff's situation.  a) nigh  b) vindictive  c) mirthful  d) melancholy  e) genial
  6. vengeful : vindictive :: demanding : ______  a) rapt  b) mirthful  c) yearning  d) melancholy  e) exacting
  7. When Tom testified at the trial, the audience was "________ in the ghastly fascination of the tale."  a) vindictive  b) melancholy  c) genial  d) exacting  e) rapt
  8. He was a good salesman, and part of it was that he was naturally a very ________ man.  a) mirth  b) genial  c) melancholy  d) rapt  e) vindictive
  9. Some groups of people are preparing for the end of the world, because they think the end is __________, and a __________ God will punish the nonbelievers.  a) exacting, vindictive  b) nigh, genial  c) rapt, vindictive  d) nigh, vindictive  e) nigh, melancholy
  10. aloof : genial :: distracted : _____ a) sauntered  b) genial  c) rapt  d) mirthful  e) exacting
  11. Tom and Joe __________(ed) out to the playground, and casually lit up their pipes.  a) saunter  b) genial  c) rapt  d) mirthful  e) nigh
  12. Tom ________(ed)  for the glory of winning the Bible prize, not the Bible itself. a) yearn  b) exact  c) indulge  d) rapt  e) mirth


Tom Sawyer 17/18.

  1. Which of these is the caption that was originally under this illustration? (Hint: Check the last page of ch. 17.) a) "It's a Miracle!"  b) "Poor Huck"  c) "The Dead Boys"  d) "Tom's Proudest Moment"  e) "Trouble is Coming"
  2. What does the last sentence of chapter 17 mean?  a) Aunt Polly punished him for what he did.  b) Aunt Polly made him kiss her in punishment.  c) Aunt Polly kissed him in gratitude for his return.  d) a and c  e)  NOTA
  3. "It ain't much -- a cat does that much." Does what?  a) care.  b) eat.  c) dream.  d) play. e) all of the above.
  4. "There must 'a' been an angel there."  a) Aunt Polly, about Tom's dream.  b) Aunt Polly, about how an angel must have kept Tom safe.  c) Sid, about Tom's dream.  d) The minister, about the boys' adventure.  e) NOTA.
  5. What makes Tom feel like the "guiltiest of villains"? a) Fooling the whole town.  b) Getting hugged by Aunt Polly for his dream.  c) When Sid doesn't believe him.  d) Stealing all the stuff they took to the island.  e) NOTA.
  6. "Shut up, Sid."  Who's talking?   a) Tom.  b) Aunt Polly.  c) Mary.  d) Joe Harper.  e) NOTA.
  7. Why does Tom think he can do without Becky now?  a) He likes Amy Lawrence better anyway.  b) He's so popular now after his return.  c) He's tired of her being so fickle.  d) He's found someone new. e) He can smoke.
  8. Which one of these is NOT Alfred Temple?  a) The boy Becky tries to make Tom jealous with.  b) The kid Tom beat up in Chapter 1.  c) Becky's previous boyfriend.  d) The boy Becky says this to: "Go away and leave me alone, can't you? I hate you!"  e) He is all of these.
  9. Why does Becky dump Alfred?  a) Because he's boring.  b) Because he's mean.  c) Because he's too nice.  d) Because Tom hates him.  e) Because Tom isn't watching any more.
  10. Becky gets back at Tom by pouring ink on his spelling book.  a) True  b) False


Chapter 19 = 

Chapter 20 aloud...