Friday, 3/30/12 - 3-Mile Run Schedule! (32 minute periods)
Have a Great Vacation!
Go over Test #26. Please record your Tom Sawyer responding and your Giver project score.
TS Quiz on Chapter 25/Mark Twain. Click it. If you want, you can also write the answers in the space at the end of Test 25.
  1. Huck's dreams for the money show that he is thinking about preparing for the future.  a) True.  b) False.
  2. Why does Huck think it wouldn't be smart for him to save any money they might find?  a) He would just spend it. b) His father would just take it.  c) He would just lose it.  d) He thinks Tom wants the money more than he does.  e) None of the above.
  3. Why do they finally decide that they are digging in the wrong place? a) No map.  b) Ghosts.  c) Neither of them has a watch. d) The tree had another dead limb.  e) It was Friday.
  4. Huck is even more afraid of ____ than he is of ____.  a) witches, ghosts  b) dead people, witches  c) murderers, haunted houses  d) ghosts, dead people,  e) ghosts, murderers
  5. (slang) "slathers" = "a raft"  (p158) a) True.  b) False.
  6. (slang) "comb a body"  =  smother you with love  (p160)  a) True.  b) False.
  7. (dialect) "shadder"  = shatter or break  (p161)  a) True.  b) False.
  8. (slang) "tackle" = attempt (p163)  a) True.  b) False.
  9. Which of the following is NOT a job Mark Twain had?  a) riverboat pilot  b) reporter  c) lecturer  d) newspaper delivery boy  e) He had all those jobs.
  10. Which of these is NOT a book by Mark Twain? a) A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court  b) The Prince and the Pauper  c) Innocents Abroad   d) Roughing It  e) He wrote all of these.
  11. The pen name Mark Twain comes from one of the pranks he pulled as a kid.  a) True  b) False
  12. He spent the last part of his life as a newspaper reporter.  a) True  b) False
  13. S. E. Hinton : Tulsa :: Sam Clemens : _________   a) St. Louis  b) Mississippi  c) Hannibal  d) Illinois  e) NOTA
TS Video from 1938