Tuesday, 5/1/12 (32)
Warm Up. Star Practice #1. Do not write on the sheet. Write your answers on the back of research quiz sheet.

Topic Talk. You gotta have a thesis! You gotta have a thesis!
Good questions...OR NOT?

  1. What are all the different things giraffes eat and do?
  2. Who's the best baseball player ever?
  3. What can be done about global warming?
  4. Did aliens help the Egyptians build the pyramids?
  5. How did video games get invented?
  6. What is a ghost?
  7. What are all the weird kinds of candy in the world?
  8. How did the world's fastest car go so fast?
  9. Why is the sky blue?
  10. Is it good to eat chocolate?
Topic Q and A.

Finish Research Prequiz and go over. The test Friday will cover this material (and then some).

Note-taking Handout for practice. Use a separate sheet that will...GO INTO THE FOLDER
Fold the page vertically to hide the demo notes, and take bullet-stylie notes. Compare to demo.
Now go the other way; notes into writing.