Wednesday, 5/2/12
First 20 minutes: STAR (different one) Reading Testing in c-lab.

Collect Topic Shtuff.
Warm Up. Star Practice #2. 1-6 on back of Research Quiz sheet. Fold the salmon sheet vertically and read the one about sailors.

Review some topic sheets. Return
Finish with note-taking/notes into writing exercise.

Before you turn in your Topic Stuff: On the back of the sheet, make a brief, rough draft outline (just the Roman numerals) for you paper. What do you think the sections of your paper will be? Your questions
from your topic stuff should correspond to those sections.
I. What is a UFO?
II. What are the most famous sightings?
III. What other explanations are there?
IV. Evidence for/against aliens?
V. Have there been coverups?
VI. Are UFOs really from outer space?

Fix error(s) on pink works cited sheet.

ID/Explain Each of the Parts. Write your answers above #8 on your pink sheet. Use arrows if necessary.

A)Paik, Carol. B)"I'm Not Who You Think I Am"  C)Newsweek
        D)18 Feb. 2008: E)20. F)Print.

A)______________  B)_______________  C)______________  D)______________  E)______________  F)______________

    "The History of Chocolate" (p594-552)

  1. Scholars think that the Mayans were the first ancient civilization to consume chocolate.  a) True  b) False
  2. Scholars think that the use of chocolate is as old as mankind itself.  a) True  b) False
  3. The Mayans were the first to drink their chocolate sweetened with sugar.  a) True  b) False
  4. The Olmecs were the first to drink their chocolate hot.  a) True  b) False
  5. Which of these paragraphs is organized with a "sequential order" organizational structure?  a) 14th Century - 1521  b) 1544  c) 1753  d) 250-900  e) None of them are.
  6. The paragraph titled "1502 - Cacao as Currency" has which organizational structure?  a) sequential order  b) main idea and details  c) cause and effect
  7. The paragraph titled "1828 - Invention of Dutch Cocoa" has which organizational structure? a) sequential order  b) main idea and details  c) cause and effect
  8. The first European country to start using chocolate was...  a) England  b) Spain  c) Portugal  d) France  e) Mexico
  9. In Greek, theo means god.  a) True  b) False
  10. The first chocolate bar was invented by the British.  a) True  b) False
  11. Why did the sweetened condensed milk, developed by Nestle, work so well for Peters's milk chocolate?  a) The sugar content.   b) The low water content.  c) The thickening that occurred when they condensed it.  d) The added cocoa powder.  e) None of the above.
  12. What was the sweetened condensed milk developed for?  a) Soldiers rations.  b) Chocolate bars.  c) Baby food.  d) Cat food.  e) None of the above.
  13. The paragraph titled "WW II - Nourishing the Army" has which organizational structure? a) sequential order  b) main idea and details  c) cause and effect
  14. This entire article has which organizational structure?  a) sequential order  b) main idea and details  c) cause and effect
  15. What is the source for this article?  a) various web pages  b) The History of Chocolate web page  c) Diner's Digest  d)  e) It doesn't say.