Monday, 5/21/12 (17) Late Start Schedule
Copy homework into assignment book.
Warm Up.
Copy the definition, and then copy each euphemism and try to translate it.
Euphemism (n - U FEM ISM):
A "nice" way of saying something (usually) unpleasant or making something sound more important.
Examples: passed on = died, sanitation engineer = garbage man.
  1. visually disabled
  2. involuntary servitude
  3. solid waste (Not that!)
  4. sanitary landfill
  5. economically disadvantaged
  6. undocumented transborder migrant
  7. vertically challenged

The Martian Chronicles

Think of a time from history when there was a clash of two very different cultures. What usually happens?
If someone unusual-looking came to your door claiming to be from another planet, what would you do? What would you need as proof?

"The Earth Men," p16