Thursday, 5/31/12
Turn in your research paper!
Tomorrow: -25
Monday: -75
Tuesday: -125
Wednesday: Do not bother.

YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE #6. Cross out the parts that say copy.
1. These word pairs are not in relation to each other, but if you find their synonyms, the two words will rhyme.  Example : Plump Feline = Fat Cat
a) unadorned necklace   b) Funny/Smart Cat   c) Unusual Rabbit   d) Wedding Limo (2)  e) Untamed Minor
2a)I have no voice, yet I speak to you; I tell of all things in the world that people do. 
     I have leaves, but I am not a tree. 
     I have a spine and hinges, but I am not a man or a door; 
     I have told you all, I cannot tell you more. 
     What am I? 
2b)I have T at my start, I have T at my end. 
     I have T in my middle, 
     And it comes through my bend. 
     What am I? 
3.  (Palindromes) a) He drank a bottle of __  __  __ as he tied the __  __  __ around the neck of the little __  __  __ so she wouldn't spill her drink on her dress.
b)  The pitcher tore the __ __ __ __ __ __  __ cuff in his shoulder, and won't be able to play for at least two months.

Warm Up. Use a separate sheet of paper. NDP.

Q/A period.

Final Exam, Part I.
On the back of the warm up sheet. NDP again, so I don't have to flip.

If we were to try to sum up, in just one phrase, the theme of most of the books and stories we read this year, the best phrase would probably be...   a) "Life sucks, and then you die." b) "It's hard being an outsider." c) "Youth vs. age." d) "Expectation vs. reality." e) "Family and friends."

Choose one, and explain why it's the best phrase.
Use at least 2-3 examples to back up what you say.
Write 1-2 paragraphs.
(20 pts) Mechanics count. Your reasons/examples count at least as much as getting the correct answer.

Partial List of Titles: The Outsiders, Midwife's Apprentice, Charlotte Doyle, Tom Sawyer, The Giver "Thank You M'am",  "Monsters are Due on Maple Street", "The Earth Men", "A Sound of Thunder"

MC video.