Monday, 11/7/11 - Late Start Schedule AND Short Week (3 days!)
Copy "homework" into assignment book.
On Wednesday, there will be a brief quiz on the play we read in class.

Go over Test #10. Discrepancies? See me at break today or tomorrow.

Warm Up II -11/7/11. "Monsters"  Copy.

  1. moon : earth :: earth : ______   a) planet  b) sun  c) moon  d) land  e) rotate
  2. move : eyes :: _____ : camera   a) focus  b) pan  c) zoom  d) blink  e) lens
  3. The word prejudice literally means...  a) discrimination  b) racism  c) think less of  d) before judgment  e) before hate
  4. "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself."   ________ said this...  a) President Abraham Lincoln  b) President Obama  c) President Franklin Roosevelt  d) Benjamin Franklin  e) President Kennedy
  5. ...about __________... a) The Vietnam War.  b) The Great Depression.  c) WWII  d) The Civil War  e) racism.
  6. ...and what he meant was _________________________.
  7. (2) What does the expression "raise Cain" mean?  Where does it come from? (Who is/was Cain?)

What if you were judged only by your idiosyncrasies?
What fears might be called "universal"; shared by most almost all humans?
How does fear affect the decisions you make?

"The Monsters are Due on Maple Street" p247

Tryouts for main parts -- p246