Tuesday, 11/15/11
Warm Up. Click and write on your white spelling sheet.
  1. cis = ___  a) to break  b) to mark or seal  c) to go toward, to seek, to try for  d) to cut  e) mindful
  2. gest = ___ a) to decide or judge  b) to mark or seal  c) to go toward, to seek, to try for  d) to cut  e) to bear, carry, or bring
  3. crit = ___ a) to decide or judge  b) to mark or seal  c) to go toward, to seek, to try for  d) to cut  e) to bear, carry, or bring
  4. sig = ____  a) to decide or judge  b) to mark or seal  c) to go toward, to seek, to try for  d) to cut  e) to bear, carry, or bring
  5. phys = ___ a) circle  b) to see  c) sound  d) nature  e) to loosen or to free
  6. solv = ___ a) circle  b) to see  c) sound  d) nature  e) to loosen or to free
  7. mem = ___ a) to break  b) to mark or seal  c) to go toward, to seek, to try for  d) to cut  e) mindful
  8. frac/frag = ___ a) to break  b) to mark or seal  c) to go toward, to seek, to try for  d) to cut  e) mindful
  9. con/com = ___  a) sound  b) together/with  c) nature  d) to see  e) to decide or judge
  10. hyper/hypo = ___  a) above/beneath  b) beneath/above  c) left/right  d) right/left
Spelling Pretest #8

Trade and Grade IRP p370-371. (6 points)

IRP Quiz - 11/16/10. Click and write the answer in your notebook. (7 points)

  1. When the student searched for "Could an asteroid hit Earth?" the search engine returned more than 10,000 results.  a) True  b) False  c) You can't tell.
  2. Even though the student asked a five word question, the search engine ignored one or more of them. How many words were ignored?  a) 1  b) 2  c) 3   d) 4
  3. A link is always underlined.  a) True  b) False
  4. A web address is also known as a...  a) ULR.  b) http.  c) search engine.  d) site.  e) URL.
  5. Not including the search feature, how many "interactive areas" are linked to on the "All About Asteroids" main page?  a) 1  b) 2  c) 3  d) 4  e) 0
  6. From what we can tell from the main page, the "All About Asteroids" site gives information on... a) how many asteroids hit Mars each year.  b) how people can make their own model asteroids.  c) what an asteroid is.  d) movie myths about asteroids.  e) all of the above.
  7. Which link would you click to look for something else about asteroids on the "All About Asteroids" site that's not listed on the main page?  a) See More Science Topics  b) See More General Topics  c) Search This Site  d) E-mail the Authors  e) Take This Poll
More Paradoxes.

What the...? The law of a certain land states that all who wish to enter through the city gates are asked to state their business. Those who reply truthfully (the guards can tell) are allowed to enter and depart in peace, but those who reply falsely are hanged. A traveler approaches the gate, and when asked his business, he replies, "I have come to be hanged." What should happen to this traveler?

 If a crocodile steals a child and promises its return if the father can correctly guess what the crocodile will do, how should the crocodile respond in the case that the father guesses that the child will not be returned?

Suppose you're on a game show, and you're given the choice of three doors: Behind one door is a car; behind the others, goats. You pick a door, say No. 1 [but the door is not opened], and the host, who knows what's behind the doors, opens another door, say No. 3, which has a goat. He then says to you, "Do you want to pick door No. 2?" Is it to your advantage to switch your choice?

"A Sound of Thunder"