Wednesday, 10/5/11 - Two freebies
Warm Up. Copy. Copy. * = spelling word.  ** = vocabulary word.
  1. * center: core :: committee : _____
  2. * capital : Sacramento :: rank : ___
  3. * friendly : hostile :: active : ____
  4. * its, whose, ________
  5. ** rigid : flexible :: soothing : ___
  6. ** disquieted : distraught :: save : ______

FRO II.Click only.

  1. Chief Wiggum, the doughnut-eater and chief cop.  a) Fragment (F)  b) Run-On  (RO) c) Complete Sentence (CS)
  2. Explained the rules of the game and demonstrated it. a) Fragment (F)  b) Run-On  (RO) c) Complete Sentence (CS)
  3. Months may pass between rainfalls, but when storms do occur, they may be violent.  a) Fragment  b) Run-On  c) Complete Sentence
  4. One way to fix some run-on sentences is with a comma plus a conjunction, such as the word but.  a) True  b) False
  5. One way to fix some run-on sentences is with a semi-colon between the parts that run together.  a) True  b) False

Go over vocabulary homework.
Vocabulary Pretest #6. "Oh Raffle King!?"

  1. The coaches watched each potential player, looking for any natural ______(s) he might have, in order to choose the proper assignment to put those talents to work.  a) empathy  b) disposition  c) adherance  d) aptitude  e) hoard
  2. Which is more important, your genes or the environment you are raised in?  This is often called the nature vs. ______ question.  a) disposition  b) nurture  c) disquieting  d) chortle  e) aptitude
  3. When 3 year old Jhonny took the apple home from the grocery store, he was _______(ed)  by his mother.  a) distraught  b) disquiet  c) chortle  d) nurture  e) chastise
  4. After Halloween, I hid my ______ of candy so my brother wouldn't steal any of it.  a) hoard  b) empathy  c) chastise  d) chortle  e) disposition
  5. Please ______ carefully to the instructions given. Failure to do so will be costly.  a) hoard  b) distraught  c) adhere  d) empathy  e) disposition
  6. The root of this word means "to feel."  a) chastise  b) aptitude  c) chortle  d) empathy  e) disquieting
  7. The ________ mourners burst into tears at the funeral.  a) disquieting  b) distraught  c) chastised  d) empathy  e) nurturing
  8. Holly wasn't exactly scared by the incident the other night, just a little ________.  a) chortled  b) empathied  c) distraught  d) disquieted  e) chastised
  9. The teacher's crabby ________ sort of brought the whole class down.  a) hoard  b) disquieting  c) distraught  d) empathy  e) disposition
  10. Homer _______(ed) to himself as he thought of the bear driving the little car. a) distraught  b) disquiet  c) chortle  d) nurture  e) chastise
  11. The characters in The Outsiders are so realistic, that we ______(ize) with them and their problems. a) disquiet  b) distraught  c) chastise  d) empathy  e) nurture
  12. The tape didn't _______ too well to the brick, and the poster fell down.  a) empathy  b) disposition  c) adhere  d) chortle  e) hoard

The Outsiders.