Thursday, 9/1/11 - Back to School Night is Tonight! YOU STAY HOME!
Yes, the crossword has a few mistakes; no need to complete the whole thing, just do what you can. Remember, it's extra credit.
Test Tomorrow: spelling, vocabulary, warm ups, classwork, Outsiders.
Due Tomorrow: KBARR, spelling 5x
Warm Up. Copy 1-5 and click. For 6-10, choose/click the incorrectly spelled word, and write it correctly, or click/write all correct.
  1. hopeful : bleak :: proud : ________  a)  savvy  b) denotation  c) sage  d) rueful  e) fathomable
  2. casual : nonchalant :: sage : __________     a) fathom  b) savvy  c) infer  d) denotation  e) connotation
  3. cool : good :: dig : _________   a) sage  b) rueful  c) conform  d) fathom  e) bleak
  4. An adjective is a word that...  a) describes how you do something.  b) shows action.  c) describes another word.  d) describes a noun.  e) describes a relationship between words.  (Choose the BEST answer.)
  5. A noun is...  a) an action word.  b) a thing.  c) describing word.  d) a person, place or thing.  e) NOTA.
  6. a) useage  b) creative  c) continuous  d) insurance  e) all correct
  7. a) pleasure  b) maturity  c) television  d) survivle  e) all correct
  8. a) confusion  b) storage  c) narrative  d) beleivable  e) all correct
  9. a) ridiculous  b) ignorance  c) refusal  d) literature  e) all correct
  10. a) security  b) valuble  c) completion  d) revision  e) all correct

The meaning of "dig." (audio)

"Delinquent" by Langston Hughes

 Begin Outsiders.

Read Aloud. This is how you read a book for KBARR...