Wednesday, 9/7/11 - 45 Minute Lunch Schedule Again!
ALERT: Messy Room papers are now due Tuesday, 9/13. You're welcome.
Warm Up: Adjectives II. Click only. I check charts.
  1. Which of the following questions is NOT one that an adjective would answer? a) Which one? b) What kind? c) How many? d) How much of? e) All are questions an adjective would answer.
  2. Leave my kid brother alone, you hear? a) adjective  b) not an adjective
  3. Adjectives can sometimes describe each other, as in "he was real handsome."  a) True  b) False
  4. He will probably be reelected, since his performance during his term in office has been outstanding.  Which word is an adjective?  a) probably  b) his  c) outstanding  d) none of them
  5. I wonder how Vivian can afford to wear the very latest styles.  Adjective(s)?  a) afford  b) very  c) latest  d)  very, latest  e) none of them
  6. Vigorous exercise several times a week is recommended for keeping muscles in good condition. Adjective?  a) vigorous  b) keeping  c) condition  d)  none of them
  7. Since it ends in -ly, the word friendly is most often used as an adverb rather than an adjective.  a) True  b) False
  8. Toothpaste ads on television always feature models with gleaming, pearly teeth. Adjective(s)?  a) always  b) gleaming  c) pearly  d) gleaming, pearly  e) all of them
  9. I'm a good skater; I skate pretty well.  a) good - adjective,  well - not  b) good - not,  well - adjective  c) both adjectives  d) both not
  10. In the following sentence, the word savvy is used as an adjective:  With a very savvy move, Zoltan checkmated his opponent.  a) True  b) False
To the Library.
Silence and Respect.
Quiz for after.