Friday, 4/5/13 - Extended Homies Schedule
Prep Sheet for Test #25.
Warm Ups:___/13  ___/11  ___/15  ___/14
Maus Logs:___/15  Vocabulary h/w: ___/20

Other Extra Credit:
If you earned 5/6 on Tuesday's spelling exercise write "spell +1." If you earned 6/6, write "spell +2."
If your spelling sheet has all 28 words on it, write "spell h/w +5." You are also eligible to shoot. For every one fewer, subtract one extra credit point. If you have fewer than 20 words, write "spell h/w: -5."

Mental Floss.
  1. Find the President hidden in each sentence.
  2. Try to figure out the noun or adjective that is common to all the items each group.
  3. What three-letter word can be added to spaces below to form four words?
    T__ __ __ SIT   ST __ __ __ D   F __ __ __ TIC   B __ __ __ ND
  4. Wacky Wordy: my you're way
  5. A donkey behind another donkey,
    I'm behind that second donkey,
    But there is a whole nation behind me.
    It is a murder you can describe in a word: ______
  6. There was a man who fell over 50 stories, without anything to slow his descent, and landed without any injuries, alive. How did he survive?

Test #25