Tuesday, 4/16/13
Copy homework into assignment book.

Warm Up: Good Research Question or Not?
  1. What are all the different Disney characters, and how were they invented?
  2. Are there benefits to steroid use?
  3. How do they make cd's and dvd's?
  4. How have computers evolved?
  5. Have any UFO sightings been real aliens?
  6. What's the best cell phone?
  7. What did Hitler do?
  8. How realistic are shows like CSI?
  9. How was baseball invented?
  10. Does doing homework help you learn?
Research Topic Stuff. Due next Wednesday, 4/24.
You gotta have a thesis! A prediction for the answer to your controlling question. More on this... lots more.

Go over Test #25 and Test #26.

Sample Essays?
