Tuesday, 12/4/12
Before Warm Up: Make your chart for 600 Words inside your folder. Be sure to add upp the numbers.When the guest teacher comes by, show him/her your chart.
EXAMPLE. (If you did all your writing in one shot, your chart will have only one line.)
Word Count:
Total: 805

I. "Vocabulary Warm Up, 12/4/12" NO partners.
Use your cheat sheet from yesterday to fill in the blanks with the appropriate vocabulary word.
Do not copy the sentence; just write the word.

  1. After a long, busy day at work, Mr. McWhiner often comes home ________(ed).
  2. When Mr. Ingrate opened his last gift and saw that it was not the skateboard he’d asked for, he became very _____.  (Not dejected.)
  3. (2) When your sadness is __________(ed), your soul has found ________. (Awww.)
  4. The light in the room didn't seem to come from any one source; it just sort of ________(ed)  the walls, casting a soft glow.
  5. Mr. Coward's student assistant is not happy about Jhonny's less than ___________ papers. They are very difficult to read.
  6. The goal of most immigrants used to be __________(ion), but these days many people seem to like to emphasize their differences.
II. "Spelling Pretest #8, 12/4/12"
Write the correct spelling of each underlined word in your notebook. Also be on the lookout for other mistakes to fix for extra credit.
  1. I'm sure your mother told you to never run with siscers.
  2. Please handle that expensive, glass vase with care; it's frajill.
  3. Too many cars and too few roads equals traffic cunjestion.
  4. Eating a lot of fiber helps with your digestion.
  5. Getting a ticket is not quite like committing a crime. It's called an innfraction of the vehicle code.
  6. The surgeon made a long insision to begin the surgery.
  7. The truck had the band's insignia painted on the side.
  8. I thought the teacher's criteek of my essay was a little harsh.
  9. Preaching one thing, and doing the opposite usually means you are a hippocrit.
  10. He was known as a very decisive leader, who didn't hesitate.
  11. For centuries, man has tried to create a perpetuel motion machine that will run forever.
  12. After teams are decided, you will have to designate a leader for your group.
  13. The teacher took a lot of critisism for being hard on the students, but in the end they thanked him.
  14. Please try to rezolve your differences instead of fighting.
  15. Sports memerobilia sometimes goes for a lot of money these days.
  16. Someday, you might be famous or important enough to publish a memoire of your life.
  17. It takes many years of education to become a phisician.
  18. To be a doctor, you would study, among many other things, physiology, the study of the human body.
  19. My student asistent must have a lot of computer savvy.
  20. Salt is soluble in water. That's what makes saltwater.
  21. Disolve two tablets in a glass of water and drink.



III.  Trade and grade w/red pens. Just draw a line through the wrong ones. Use your spelling list from Monday.  Do not fix.

IV. Roots/Prefixes.
a) Copy correct root meanings onto white sheet.
cis = to cut
gest = to distribute or carry
crit = to judge
sig = to seal or sign
phys = nature
solv = loosen
mem = mindful
frac/frag = to break
con/com = together or with
hypo = beneath, less than
b) Do...
"Roots Practice I - 12/4/12" COPY!
  1. * "again loosen" = ___
  2. * "beneath (less than) judge" = ___
  3. * "into cut thing" = ___
  4. * "breakable" =___
  5. * (2) "judgment thing" =  _____

V. (If time)  MWA aloud (chapter 5 --->)