Tuesday, 12/18/12. Checking 600 words. 12/12-12/18
Warm Up. Columbus etc. Do not write on the sheet.
Read the two paragraphs  on p350 and answer the following questions in your notebook.Use complete sentences.
"Warm Up - 12/18/12"
  1. In the example paragraph about Columbus, what is the main idea?
  2. In the example paragraph about Columbus, how many supporting details do they give for the main idea?
  3. What is the main idea of the next paragraph?
  4. How many supporting details are there for that main idea?
  5. What do you think this lesson wanted you to learn?
Do vocabulary sheet with partners.
  1. You hear the noun form of this one a lot in the phrase, "a ______ for punishment."
  2. To give unwillingly. "If I have to..."
  3. This one sounds like what you might do with a wave. It really means an excessive amount of something.
  4. This one can mean mystery or interest in something.
  5. The root of this word means "bendable." (Like a pair of pliers.)
  6. We had the noun form of this awhile ago. It meant a "daze." This time it means "dazed."
  7. This one has a prefix that means again.
  8. This one can happen to plants and crops, as well as girls like Alyce.
  9. Take away a couple of letters from this one, and you get its meaning.
  10. Weak and wimpy, easily broken. (5 letters)

Go over Test #14.