Thursday, 12/20/12
Prep sheet for "Test" 15:
Warm Ups: ___/5  ___/10
ADD: Outsiders Project: ___/60 or ___/75
ADD: KBAR: ___/15

Mental Floss.

  1. Wacky Wordy: What phrase is represented by the following?

  2. Look kool XtXhXeXsXtXrXeXeXtX
  3. What musical instruments are represented below?
  4. What living creature has fur, four legs, and a tail, eats cat food, and sees equally well from both ends of its body?
  5. Add together each of the defined words to get a whole new word.

  6. Example: to shout + what you say when you feel pain = yellow.
  7. These groups of three definitions describe three words that are spelled the same, except for one letter. (Example: king, ring, wing.) What are they?

  8.      a) finished, to sleep lightly, a measured quantity
         b) sneaky, to secretly observe, an enclosure for pigs
  9. You're in a room with three monkeys. The chimp has a stick, the orangutan has a banana, and the gorilla has nothing. Which is the smartest primate in the room?

"Test" 15

Doodle Theme: A Perfect World