Wednesday, 1/23/13 - Second Period Geography Bee Schedule (39 minute periods...except for 2nd.)
Postponed Until Tomorrow: 120 seconds and RD returns/conferences. (See above.)

"Warm Up 1/23/13."  Copy 1-5 into notebook with title and date. (9)

  1. ** forced : voluntary :: energetic : ______
  2. ** unicorn : imaginary :: desert : ______
  3. ** complimentary : insulting :: clumsy : _______
  4. ** permeate : pervade :: amend : ______
  5. ** reward : chastise :: keep : ______
  6. ** Since his _____ wasn't any good, he needed a ______ to avoid execution, and that wasn't going to happen, so he was feeling pretty _____ and ________(ly) lay in his bunk and stared at the wall. (4)

Giver 14/15 Q/A.
Giver 14/15 Quiz.

  1. What makes Jonas feel "desperately lonely"?  a)  The fact that he went to bed early   b) He misses Asher and Fiona   c) The realization that the others have  never felt pain   d) Not being able to talk about his training   e) The fact that he has to spend all of his time with The Giver
  2. The Giver tells Jonas that the memories of pain and suffering give them wisdom.  a) True  b) False
  3. What memory was the strongest when the Elders sought the Giver's advice about increasing the birthrate?  a) Jealousy  b) Racism  c) Sickness.  d) Hunger  e) NOTA
  4. What memory followed that? a) Jealousy  b) Racism  c) Sickness.  d) Hunger  e) NOTA
  5. Why is The Giver the one with all of the memories?  a) So that not everyone will be burdened and pained.   b) Because he is the most intelligent person in the community.  c) So there is no jealousy.  d) So that everything will stay the same and the community won't rebel  e) NOTA
  6. How do they usually decide which identical twin to release?  a) The Birthmother decides.  b) There's a number system.  c) Birthweight. d) Raffle King  e) NOTA
  7. What is it about himself that frightens Jonas?  a) That he's different.  b) That he has felt pain.  c) That he was able to give Gabriel a memory.  d) That he might mess up being the Receiver.  e) NOTA
  8. At the beginning of chapter 15, why does Jonas have to remind The Giver to put his hands on Jonas’s back? a) Because the old man has been forgetting lately.  b) It's part of his training to help remind The Giver. c) The Giver is in such pain that Jonas thinks he might forget.  d) The Giver has told him to remind him, because he often gets distracted. e) NOTA
  9. All of these are things Jonas first perceived in this new memory in chapter15, except... a) Smoke in the air.  b) Bombs exploding nearby. c) Terrible smells.  d) Groaning men. e) He noticed all these things right away.
  10. What does the boy in the memory want?  a) Water  b) Revenge. c) A gun   d)  Food   e) To be "put out of his misery."
    Bonus Question.
  11. Chapter 15 could probably be called the ______  of the novel. (Hint: Read the 1st paragraph of chapter 16.)  a) exposition  b) inciting incident  c) rising action  d) climax  e) resolution