Thursday, 3/7/13 - Tomorrow's Test: Spelling, Vocabulary, Warm Up Reruns, Tom Sawyer, Husker Du (mostly prepositions)
Change in tonight's reading: Please read chapter 31. We will take care of chapter 30 in class. Thank you.
Warm Up 3/7/13. Test Practice. (10p)
1-4: Write the incorrectly spelled word correctly or write "all correct" if they are.
5-8: Find and copy the prepositional phrase(s) in each sentence. If there are no prepositional phrases in that sentence, write "none."
Bonus: Explain what is wrong with #8 and how to fix it.
  1. a) accommodate  b) embarass c) affectionate  d) all correct
  2. a) harassment  b) bulletin  c) cancelation  d) all correct
  3. a) possibility  b) necessary  c) rennaissance  d) all correct
  4. a) acclaim  b) eventually  c) conscous  d) all correct
  5. (?) If you try, you know that you can fly...over the rainbow.
  6. (?) I am going to skip on my way home from Grandmother's house.
  7. (?) Jack fell down and broke his crown, and Jill came tumbling after.
  8. (?) Danny told us about the great vacation he had at lunch.

Vocabulary Pretest. Write the word. Yes. Maybe.

  1. After a while, interest in yoyos _________(ed) and some other fad took over.  a) jeer  b) clamor  c) bode  d) wax  e) wane
  2. The echoes of Tom's shouts in the cave sounded like ________(ing) laughter that mocked them. a) clamor  b) jeer  c) dilemma  d) perishable  e) bode
  3. Tom went behind the limestone "waterfall" in order to use his candle to light it up for Becky's __________.  a) imperishable  b) stupor  c) clamorous  d) gratification  e) bode
  4. You should refrigerate ________ items like milk and eggs, because they quickly go bad if you don't.  a) clamor  b) jeer  c) attrition  d) perishable  e) bode
  5. As the month goes on, the moon will ________ until it is full, and then ________. a) wax, wane  b) wane, wax  c) jeer, bode  d) bode, jeer
  6. When the boys came back from "the dead," Aunt Polly _________(ly) hugged and kissed Tom, and then embarrassed Huck by doing the same to him. a) effusive  b) jeer  c) gratifying  d) stupor  e) prodigious
  7. The accelerated class started with 28 students, but through the ________ of so much extra work, 10 people dropped out.   a) dilemma  b) clamor  c) gratifying  d) stupor  e) attrition
  8. She faced a _______ over whether or not to turn her friend in for vandalism.  a) dilemma  b) clamor  c) gratifying  d) stupor  e) attrition
  9. The sub didn't have much control over the class, and there was quite a(n) ________ when the principal walked in.  a) effusive  b) clamor  c) dilemma  d) stupor  e) attrition
  10. Tom thought that Huck's dream about rats was  __________(ing) that trouble was ahead.  a) effusive  b) jeer  c) dilemma  d) stupor  e) bode
  11. He ate a(n) __________   amount of hot dogs in the hot dog eating contest. (68 in 10 minutes!)  a) effusive  b) dilemma  c) gratifying  d) stupor  e) prodigious
  12. After the rumble, Ponyboy was in a(n) _______ as Dally dragged him to the hospital to see Johnny.  a) jeer  b) attrition  c) clamor  d) stupor  e) dilemma
  13. There is a lot of _______ among teachers in big-city schools. As many as half are gone after two years.  a) clamor  b) jeer  c) attrition  d) perishable  e) bode

Tom Sawyer aloud... $1 in those days = about $25 today. A hard-cover copy of TS advertised below  would cost about $80 today.

Ummm. I know I'm going to regret this, but does anyone know what the word piquant means?