Tuesday, 3/19/13
I. Warm Up. Wheel of Tests Review.
a. Spin the Wheel!
b. Whatever number is chosen, we open that numbered test.
c. I pick 1 question from each section for you to answer.
d. FUN!
e. Write the answer, not the letter.

II. Just to See if You Were Listening Quiz. (10p)
  1. "Jumbo shrimp" is an example of a euphemism.  a) True  b) False
  2. Give (another) example of a euphemism and its translation.
  3. (2) Emily Dickinson's poem #435 says that if a person looks very carefully, he would find that...
  4. Emily Dickinson felt that "the Majority" always prevailed on the question of...  (Be careful on this one!)
  5. The poem says that if you disagree with the majority...
  6. Assent most nearly means...
  7. Demur most nearly means...
  8. Why does the captain start cursing at the top of page 18?
  9. Mrs. Ttt says she doesn't believe the men are from Earth.  a) True  b) False
    Bonus Questions.
  10. The word telepathy literally means...   a) distant look  b) mind look  c) distant feeling  d) brain talk  e) open mind  f) distant thinking  g) _______  ________ 
  11. On page 17, after Mrs. Ttt yells at him about his muddy boots, the captain says, "This is no time for trivialities...we should be celebrating." The word trivialities is the plural, noun form of the word trivial.  What does the word trivial mean?
Much Madness is divinest Sense--
To a discerning Eye--
Much Sense--the starkest Madness--
'Tis the Majority
In this, as All, prevail--
Assent--and you are sane--
Demur--you're straightway dangerous--
And handled with a Chain--

"The Earth Men"