Wednesday, 3/20/13 - "Test" Tomorrow: E-Men, Wheel of Review (I spin this afternoon), Were You Listening This Week?
Warm Up. The Wheel of Tests Review!
This time I pick six (6).

Euphemisms can evolve over time: Moron used to be the euphemism for idiot. Then moron became offensive, so the euphemism for moron became retarded. Now retarded is considered offensive, so the euphemism is mentally challenged or special.
A similar thing has occurred with crippled -> handicapped -> disabled.      (Thanks to Wikipedia for the info.)

Euphemisms II. Copy and translate. Most translations will be a phrase rather than a word.

  1. Reduction in Force (RIF) Notice
  2. Collateral Damage
  3. Friendly Fire
  4. Corporeal Punishment
  5. Capital Punishment

The Earth Men MadLib.

The Real Mars.

"The Earth Men"