Monday, 10/8/12 - Late Start Schedule
Copy homework into assignment book.

Warm Up. Commas I.
1) Read the first rule on the pink sheet, p193. Read the example sentence.
2) With your partner, label the following parts of the example sentence: a) any conjunction(s)  b) the two main clauses c) the two parts of a compound predicate
3) In your notebook, explain what a clause and a conjunction are.
4) Decide whether or not we need a comma between the words training and and.
5) Find the one example of the rule in the 10 sentences below, and insert the comma(s) as needed.
6) Read the second rule and example and find the one that demos that rule in the ten sentences below. Insert the comma(s) as needed.

a) You know what a comma is.  b) You know what a compound predicate (verb) is.  c) You know a sentence has a subject and a verb.

Go over Test #6.

The Outsiders...