Monday, 10/29/12 - Late Start Schedule, Short Week!
Copy homework into assignment book.

Go over Test #9.

Outsiders aloud to p147. Then...

  1. Finish ch. 9 silently.
  2. In your notebook, do 1/2 page, KBARR stylie response to chapter 9.
  3. Do  Chapter 9 Quiz  in notebook. Write the letter and the first four words of each correct answer.
  4. Read Chapter 10 silently.
  5. Come get the secret question and answer it in a short paragraph in your notebook.
  6. Do Chapter 10 Quiz in notebook. Write the letter and the first four words of each correct answer.
Done with that?

Get a copy of the SE Hinton Bio, read it, and answer the questions at the end on the back of the S/V sheet using complete sentences.

Done with that?

You have homework to do...