Thursday, 4/10/14 - Assembly Schedule (4th period - 46 minute periods)
Test #25 tomorrow: Vocabulary, Outlining, Vladek, Husker Du
Due today: Automobile Outline.
Note: Haughty is OK for #3 yesterday! Sorry for the confusion.

Warm Up. Write the word. All answers are vocabulary words except # 9. Use your list. You will use two words twice.
You may silently collaborATE. (10p)
  1. She has ________(ed) her theory on the recent findings of other astronomers.
  2. He was too ______ to do anything that might mess up his hair.
  3. This word's roots mean "to bend/lean inward." _________
  4. The _______ waiter smirked when I remarked that it was odd that a French restaurant didn't even have French fries on the menu.
  5. The root of this word is French for "high." _______
  6. Vladek was both very lucky and very _______ to survive the war.
  7. This word's root comes from the name of the Goddess of Love. _________
  8. (2) I tried to _______ an excuse, but Mom was _______ enough to know it was a lie.
  9. From the looks of this week's list, the suffix -ate is probably an ending that signals the word is a _______.  a) noun  b) verb  c) adjective  d) adverb  e) preposition
Correct Automobile Outline.

Outline Practice. Now outline the second paragraph of the article. No word bank this time.
