Tuesday, 4/15/14
Finish last 4 questions on Test #25.
Correct and go over.

Finish with Research Prequiz.

Good Research Question or Not?
  1. What really happened in Salem in 1692?
  2. Does gun control help prevent gun violence?
  3. Does being a vegan really help?
  4. What is the best policy for personal electronic devices at school?
  5. Should we allow cloning for people? Pets?
  6. What is the best form of alternative energy?
  7. Is television harmful for children?

Topic Q/A.

Note-taking/Writing from notes.
 Use a separate sheet that will...GO INTO THE FOLDER 
Fold the page vertically to hide the demo notes, and take bullet-stylie notes. Compare to demo. 
Now go the other way; notes into writing. 

Time? Vladek.