Friday, 8/23/13 - Regular Schedule.
Prepare sheet for Quiz on Expectations.
Check how many warm up questions you got correct. Record next to "Extra Credit."
Mental Floss and Friday Test Demo.
- You have two coins that total 15 cents, but one of them is not a nickel. How is that possible?
- What is the volume of dirt in a hole 6 feet long, 8 feet deep, and 4 feet wide?
- A farmer had seventeen sheep; all but nine died. How many are left?
- If you have an important letter to write, is it better to write it on a full stomach, a settled stomach, or an empty stomach?
- What heavy six letter word can you take one letter away from and have eight left?
- A fish weighs 10 pounds plus half its weight. How much does it weigh?(Not a trick; just math.)
Quiz on Expectations and Listening.
Bonus for +1: There is a mechanical error repeated four times on the quiz. How do we fix it?
Doodle Theme: Locker Trouble
Time? Go over and correct quiz.