Tuesday, 8/27/13 - Regular Schedule
I will be checking KBARR while you are warming up.

"Warm Up - 8/27/13" Copy 1-4 into notebook with title and date.* = spelling word. Use your list.

  1. * refusal : cooperation :: childishness : _______
  2. * painful : pleasurable :: together : ______
  3. * rewrite : revision :: story : ________
  4. * locker : storage :: _______ : security
  5. (2) __________ doesn't fit because _________.  evaluate, predict, question, summarize, react
  6. (2) Explain the rule for spelling that (almost) all of this week's words follow. (There are two parts to the rule.)
Correct your own w/red pen. Be sure to write in the correct answers (with red pen), so you can study for the test Friday.

"Spelling Pretest #1 - 8/27/13" (1-25). In your notebook, correctly spell the underlined word in each sentence.
Also be on the lookout for any other mechanical mistakes to fix for extra credit.

Due Friday: 5x each for the words you missed + 5 words that fit the drop-the-e-before-a-vowel rule for suffixes.