Tuesday, 2/11/14
Collecting (1 x 1) drafts and eval sheets.
The Giver Final Project Options. Due next Wednesday, 2/19.
What is up with the ending?!

While I read rough drafts:
I. Take Giver Quiz in notebook. For the MC questions, write the letter and the first three words of the answer. (SOLO)
  1. What causes big changes in Jonas's plan?
  2. What rule did Jonas break?  a) Leaving the dwelling at night.   b) Taking food from the Community. c) Taking his father's bicycle.  d) All of the above.  e) None of them; he's the Receiver-in-Training, and he can do what he wants.
  3. Jonas transmits memories of _____ to keep the planes from "seeing" Gabe and him.
  4. What happens to Jonas as he gets farther and farther away from the Community? (Not hunger.)
  5. (3) Name three of the things Jonas encountered that showed he was really outside the Community.
  6. What causes Jonas to have serious doubts about this whole thing?
  7. Which of these things did not happen in chapter 23? a) It began snowing.  b) Jonas fell asleep. c) Jonas found a sled.  d) He gave Gabriel a memory of warmth.  e) They all happened.
  8. What strange thing happened as Jonas reached the top of the last hill? (Not the sled.)
  9. What does Jonas hear from the place he's headed?
  10. What does Jonas think he hears from the place he left?
  11. There really was an Elsewhere.  a) True  b) False
  12. Jonas and Gabriel sliding down the hill would be the _____ of the story. a) rising action  b) climax  c) falling action (haha) d) resolution  e) exposition
II. Do this week's vocabulary list. (PARTNERS)
III. Do "Indefinite Pronoun Agreement" (p67)  (SOLO)
IV. Start tonights's reading.