Homework, 2013-2014
Week of May 26 (Monday is a Holiday!)
Week of May 19 - 13 days!
Week of May 12 - Only 4 weeks left!
- RESEARCH! You should be doing at least 30 minutes of research-related work per night. The FINAL DRAFT is due next Thursday, MAY 22.
Week of May 5 - Meet in Library all week.
- RESEARCH! You should be doing at least 20 minutes of research-related work per night.
- One page of your paper is due Thursday, 5/8. Pick the section you have the most notes on and turn your notes into writing.
- Typed, formatted, and cited according to requirements.
- Type up (and save) your Works Cited page (so far). (Remember:
- You will need to show the notes the page came from.
- The whole paper is due May 22.
Week of April 28 - Meet in Library all week.
- RESEARCH! You should be doing at least 20 minutes of research-related work per night.
- One page of your paper is due next Thursday, 5/8. Pick the section you have the most notes on and turn your notes into writing.
- Typed, formatted, and cited according to requirements.
- Type up (and save) your Works Cited page (so far). (Remember:
- You will need to show the notes the page came from.
- The whole paper is due May 22.
Week of April 21
- Homework = Reading about your topic. Testing all week in English.
Week of April 14 - No School Friday.
- Research Topic Stuff due Wednesday, 4/16.
KBARR. Start reading about your intended topic! Read 20+ minutes nightly through WEDNESDAY. NOTE NEW DAY. Get chart signed nightly. RESPONSE:
By THURSDAY (NOTE NEW DAY), write up a rough outline of the sections of
your paper as you envision them based on your reading. Hint: check the
way the sources you read are organized. This does not have to fill a
page, but I would like to see detail down to the A, B, C level. (This
time use a separate sheet for all of this.)
Week of April 7
NFKBARR Returneth. Read 20+ minutes nightly through Thursday. NON-FICTION!
magazines, books, web sites, etc. You are looking for research topics.
Please: no sports, no video games, beauty/fashion, and no celebrities. Get chart signed nightly, respond by Friday.
Please choose one page (about 350 words or several paragraphs) of
something you read and OUTLINE the main facts as you understand
them. (Do the outline on the Outline Sheet.)
600 Words due Tuesday. (Hang onto the folder.)
- Outline Exercises:
- due Tuesday: Camping
- due Wednesday: Eagles
- Due Thursday: Automobile
- Vocabulary Due Wednesday. Definitions in notebook. Blanks filled in on sheet.
- Research Topic Stuff due next Wednesday, 4/16.
Week of March 31 - Fourth Quarter Begins!
NFKBARR Returneth. Read 20+ minutes nightly through Thursday.
Read magazines, books, etc. You are looking for eventual research topics. Get chart signed nightly, respond 1 page by Friday. Response should summarize what you read and possibilities for research topics. (All in notebook, or it doesn't count.)
600 Words due (every) Tuesday. Make sure you are bringing your folder full of writing. You will need it "soon."
Week of March 17 (Third Quarter ends Friday; Spring Break begins.)
- KBARR. Read 20 minutes, get chart signed (in notebook) -- nightly through Thursday.
- 600 Words due (every) Tuesday. Including 3/25 and 4/1.
Week of March 10
- KBARR. Read 20 minutes, get chart signed (in notebook) -- nightly through
Thursday, respond 1 page (in notebook)
by Friday.
- 600 Words due (every) Tuesday.
- Spelling Rules Sheet: Rule One due Tuesday, Rule Two due Wednesday, etc.
Week of March 3
- KBARR. Read 20 minutes, get chart signed (in notebook) -- nightly through
Thursday, respond 1 page (in notebook)
by Friday.
- 600 Words due (every) Tuesday.
- Yellow Sheet - Prepositions!
- Monday night - Part A
- Tuesday night: Part B
- Wednesday night: Part C
Week of February 24
- KBARR. Read 20 minutes, get chart signed (in notebook) -- nightly through
Thursday, respond 1 page (in notebook)
by Friday.
- 600 Words due (every) Tuesday.
Week of February 17 (Monday is a holiday!)
- KBARR is back. Read 20 minutes, get chart signed (in notebook) -- nightly through
Thursday, respond 1 page (in notebook)
by Friday. (Periods 2 and 3: No response.)
- 600 Words due (every) Tuesday.
- Final draft of essay due Tuesday. Please turn in all drafts AND completed evaluation sheet.
- Giver Project due Friday. Counts for 600 words, so keep track of WHEN you work on it.)
Week of February 10 FYI: Here is this week's vocabulary list. In case you, ummm, misplaced the one you were given.
- KBAR = The Giver +. There will be a reading check quiz every day, preceded by a Q/A session. Bring your book EVERY DAY, and come prepared with questions about ANYTHING you don't understand.
- Monday night: chapters 22 and 23.
- Tuesday night: "The Pedestrian" (p196) and "The Forecast" (p202).
- Wednesday/Thursday: Find a new KBARR book for next week!
- Second Draft of Essay due Tuesday. Be sure to bring the rough draft and the evaluation sheet too.
- 600 words due (every) Tuesday.
- The Giver Final Project due next
Wednesday, 2/19 Friday, 2/21. You're welcome.
- ESSAY FINAL DRAFTS DUE TUESDAY 2/18. Please include all three drafts and the evaluation sheet.
Week of February 3 - FYI: Here is this week's vocabulary list. In case you, ummm, misplaced the one you were given.
- KBAR = The Giver. There will be a reading check quiz every day, preceded by a Q/A session. Bring your book EVERY DAY, and come prepared with questions about ANYTHING you don't understand.
- Monday night: chapter 14
- Tuesday night: chapters 15 and 16
- Wednesday night: chapters 17 and 18
- Thursday night: chapters 19 and 20
- 600 words due (every) Tuesday.
- Due Tuesday: 600 word rough draft that fits into one of the accepted genres. INK. Computer printed is preferred but not required. (Counts for 600 words if written since last Tuesday.)
- Due NEXT Tuesday (2/11): Top half of Evaluation Sheet and Second Draft of Essay. Final Draft due Friday, 2/14.
Week of January 27 - FYI: Here is this week's spelling/vocabulary list. In case you, ummm, misplaced the one you were given.
- KBAR = The Giver. There will be a reading check quiz every day, preceded by a Q/A session. Bring your book EVERY DAY, and come prepared with questions about ANYTHING you don't understand.
RESPONSE = DAILY = 1/2/3 = 1 sentence/2 sentences/3 sentences of summary/reaction/question. You decide which is 1,2 or 3.
- Monday night: chapters 7 and 8
- Tuesday night: chapters 9 and 10
- Wednesday night: chapters 11 and 12
- Thursday night: chapter 13
- 600 words due (every) Tuesday.
- Think ahead! Your first 600 word essay rough draft is due next Tuesday, 2/4.
- 120 seconds continues. Know your day. There should only be a few of you left.
Week of January 20 - Monday is a holiday.
- KBAR = The Giver. There will be a reading check quiz every day, preceded by a Q/A session. Bring your book EVERY DAY, and come prepared with questions about ANYTHING you don't understand.
RESPONSE = DAILY = 1/1/1 = 1 sentence summary, 1 sentence reaction, 1 question. You may do any combo that adds up to 3.
- Tuesday night: chapters 1 and 2
- Wednesday night: chapters 3 and 4
- Thursday night: chapters 5 and 6
- 120 seconds continues. Know your day.
- 600 words due (every) Tuesday.
Week of January 13 - Friday is a student holiday.
- KBARR: Read 20 minutes, get chart signed (in notebook) -- nightly through Wednesday NON-FICTION!
Response (one page): 1) Your thoughts on your reading. 2) What
you learned this week. 3) Things you found hard to believe or
surprising. 4) What other related reading/research you could
- 120 Seconds begins Tuesday. If your name is not on the sheet on the board, then you will be going next week.
- 600 Words due (every) Tuesday.
Week of January 6
- KBARR: Read 20 minutes, get chart signed (in notebook) -- nightly through
Thursday. NON-FICTION!
Response (one page): 1) Your thoughts on your reading. 2) What
you learned this week. 3) Things you found hard to believe or
surprising. 4) What other related reading/research you could
- 120 Seconds begins next Tuesday, 1/14.
- 600 Words due next (every) Tuesday.
Week of December 16 -- Same same.
- KBARR: Read 20 minutes, get chart signed (in notebook) -- nightly through
Thursday. NON-FICTION! Now until Christmas!
Response (one page): 1) Your thoughts on your reading. 2) What
you learned this week. 3) Things you found hard to believe or
surprising. 4) What other related reading/research you could
- Here are the Spelling and Vocabulary Lists for the week. The spelling pretest is Tuesday. The vocabulary one is Wednesday. This sheet is NOT homework. We will be doing the vocabulary in class.
- For possible extra credit: SLOH2O or H2SLO... Do some
informal research on the ways they advertise bottled water. Look into
what's on the labels and what kinds of slogans they use. Then
brainstorm/look up good things about SLO. Now write some slogans for
our bottles and ads: Example: "San Luis Obispo was named the Happiest
Place in America... Is it the water?!" Also: What images should be on
the bottles and website? What should we write on the bottle labels?
Bring it!
Week of December 9 - Yup. Just KBARR... unless you want to help write the marketing campaign for our water.
- KBARR: Read 20 minutes, get chart signed (in notebook) -- nightly through
Thursday. NON-FICTION! Now until Christmas!
Response (one page): 1) Your thoughts on your reading. 2) What
you learned this week. 3) Things you found hard to believe or
surprising. 4) What other related reading/research you could
- Here are the Spelling and Vocabulary Lists for the week. The spelling pretest is Tuesday. The vocabulary one is Wednesday. This sheet is NOT homework. We will be doing the vocabulary in class.
- For possible extra credit: SLOH2O or H2SLO... Do some
informal research on the ways they advertise bottled water. Look into
what's on the labels and what kinds of slogans they use. Then
brainstorm/look up good things about SLO. Now write some slogans for
our bottles and ads: Example: "San Luis Obispo was named the Happiest
Place in America... Is it the water?!" Also: What images should be on
the bottles and website? What should we write on the bottle labels?
Bring it!
Week of December 2 -- The Great Homework Experiment Begins. Let's see what happens.
Ok so, the only written homework from now until Christmas break is KBARR. Yes, that also means the end of SSI until 2014.
Here is the vocabulary/spelling list for the week. It is not homework! We will do the vocabulary portion in class tomorrow and there will be a spelling pretest tomorrow.
- KBARR: Read 15 minutes, get chart signed (in notebook) -- nightly through
Thursday, respond 1 page (in notebook)
by Friday.
- Find a non-fiction KBAR book by next Monday. No biographies. No how-to books.
- That's it. Really.
"Week" of November 25 (Wednesday-Friday is the Thanksgiving holiday.)
- If you have an F for any KBARR, you may make up ONE KBARR score
over the break. Four nights of 20+ minutes reading and a good one-page
response (in your notebook) by next Monday will erase one F grade.
Week of November 18
- KBARR: Read 15 minutes, get chart signed (in notebook) -- nightly through
Thursday, respond 1 page (in notebook)
by Friday. (More response ideas
- Water Taste Test due Tuesday. (See below for instructions.)
- Spelling Pretest #7 is Tuesday.
- Vocabulary due Wednesday. Definitions (EVERYONE) and blanks filled in.
- Concepts section of vocab sheet due Thursday. (Instructions Tuesday.)
"Week" of November 11 (Monday and Friday are student holidays.)
- Outsiders Project due Thursday.
- Water Taste Test. By next
Monday 11/18 Tuesday 11/19! Extra credit for Monday.
- Design and conduct a blind taste test between tap water and at least 2 kinds of (plastic) bottled water.
- Use at least 5 people including yourself. (Don't cheat.)
- Find out which one they think taste best. BLIND!
- Write up your results:
- "What I thought would happen." (Also: Why did you think so?)
- "What I did." (EVERYTHING.)
- "What happened." (Also: Were you right? Why do you think it came out that way?)
- Make a table of your results.
- NO PENCIL. NDP, etc.
- Be ready to talk about it on Monday.
Week of November 4
and join the conversation. Read the directions, respond thoughtfully to
the questions and other people's comments. Make at least 2 posts. Let
me know when your comments are approved, and then you can earn up to
+10 on your Outsiders project.
- KBARR: Read 15 minutes, get chart signed (in notebook) -- nightly through
Thursday, respond 1 page (in notebook)
by Friday. (More response ideas
- Final Draft of Color Essay due Tuesday. (With rough draft too!)
- Workbook Packet (not available online). There will be a quiz daily AND we will grade the worksheets.
- due Tuesday: p370-371
- due Wednesday: p372-373
- due Thursday: p374-375
- SE Hinton Questions due by Thursday (if not already finished).
- Outsiders Project due next Thursday, 11/14. (Handout Tuesday.)
Week of October 28
**SSI = Less than 32/40 on Test #9.
**SSI = 1) (Wed.) Vocabulary definitions in notebook. 2) (Fri.) 5x for the spelling words you miss on Tuesday.
Week of October 21 (**SSI = Less than 43/54 on Test #8.)
- KBARR: Read 15 minutes, get chart signed (in notebook) -- nightly through
Thursday, respond 1 page (in notebook)
by Friday. (More response ideas
- Pink Sheet - Adverbs (not available online):
- p112 due Tuesday
- p113 due Thursday
- Vocabulary due
Wednesday (including small crossword). **SSI must do definitions in notebook.
- **SSI only--> Academic Word Sentences for the warm ups you missed
are due the NEXT DAY.
- Test #9 is Friday.
- Color Justification Essay: Rough
draft (No Pencil.) due next Tuesday, 10/29.
Week of October 14 (**SSI = Less than 42/52 on Test #7. SSI = Supplementary Scholastic Instruction.)
Week of October 7 (**SSI = Supplementary Scholastic Instruction = Less than 32/40 on Test #6.)
- KBARR: Read 15 minutes, get chart signed (in notebook) nightly,
respond 1 page (in notebook) by Friday. Update,
10/8: Response cancelled as reward for good behavior for guest
teacher(s). If you are missing any KBARR responses, this would be a
good week to do one.
- Spelling Pretest #4 is
Tuesday. Study...or not.
- Pink Sheet (commas) p194-PartB due Tuesday.
- Vocabulary due
Wednesday (including small xword). **SSI must do
- Show not Tell #2 due THURSDAY: Your
choice: a) "Fun!" Show you, in action, having fun. Don't tell me what you
think is fun. Show me you doing it. b) "Weird Planet"
Show your first glimpses of a never before seen planet.
350+ words, ink, title, NDP, WDILL? (NOTE NEW DATE!
You're welcome.)
- Spelling
Crossword due Friday. (NOT extra credit, NOT just SSI.)
- **SSI Only: 5x Spelling Practice due Friday.
Week of September 30 (**SSI = Supplementary Scholastic Instruction = Less than 33/42 on Test #5.)
- KBARR: Read 15 minutes, get chart signed (in notebook) nightly, respond 1 page (in notebook) by Friday.
- Spelling Pretest #3 is Tuesday. You can choose to study...or not.
- Pink Sheet (FRO's): Page 28 due Tuesday, Page 29 due Thursday. (Not available online.)
- Vocabulary due Wednesday. Blank + Crossword. Sentences (in notebook) are extra credit.
- **SSI must do definitions.
- **SSI must do spelling sentences by Friday. Write a pair of sentences for any pair of words you missed one of on Tuesday.
- Think ahead: Show not Tell #2: Your choice: a) "Fun!" Show you, in action, having fun. Don't tell me what you think is fun to do. Show me you doing it. b) "Weird Planet" Show your first glimpses of a never before seen planet. WDILL??????
- 350+ words, ink, title, NDP in upper right corner.
- Due next Tuesday, 10/8.
Week of September 23
- KBARR: Read 15 minutes, get chart signed (in notebook) nightly, respond 1 page (in notebook) by Friday.
- Vocabulary due Wednesday. Sentences (in notebook) are extra credit. (If you were exempt from vocabulary last week, you may skip the definitions.)
- Academic Words Sheet due Thursday. The answers are the warm up answers.
- Perfect #1 now due Thursday. (You're welcome.)
- 300+ words (marked on sheet), Title, 5 Vocabulary Words (marked), NDP (upper right), ink, neat.
- Topic: Unlimited! Content is not graded.
- Grading: 40p, with -5 for each mechanical mistake.
Week of September 16
- KBARR: Read 15 minutes, get chart signed (in notebook) nightly, respond 1 page (in notebook) by Friday.
- Spelling Pretest is Tuesday. Study... or not.
- Pink Sheet - Verb Phrases: p10 due Tuesday, p11 Due Thursday. (Not available online.)
- Vocabulary due Wednesday. See instructions on sheet.
- Spelling/Roots Crossword due Friday. #2 Down is telegraph. (Here is the interactive web version.)
- Think ahead: "Perfect Paper #1" due next
Tuesday, 9/24. Prereads due this Friday. Postponed to Thursday, 9/26. Prereads Monday.
- 300+ words (marked), Title, 5 Vocabulary Words (marked), NDP (upper right), ink, neat.
- Topic: Unlimited! Content is not graded.
- Grading: 40p, with -5 for each mechanical mistake.
Week of September 9
- KBARR: Read 20 minutes, get chart signed (in notebook) nightly, respond 1 page (in notebook) by Friday.
- "Messy Room" due Tuesday.
- Vocabulary due Wednesday.
- AW Sentences (for any warm ups missed) due the next day. (
The Academic Words Pretest consists of the week's warm ups. You must
earn 19/20 for the week to be exempt from that portion of the test. You
owe a sentence of your own for each word you miss on a warm up this
week. Those sentences are due the next day IN YOUR NOTEBOOK. Thank you.)
Week of September 2 (Monday is a holiday.)
- KBARR: Read 20 minutes, get chart signed (in notebook) nightly, respond 1 page (in notebook) by Friday.
- Pink Sheet: Adjectives, p104 due Wednesday. (Not available online.)
- Vocabulary due Thursday.
- "Messy Room" due Tuesday, 9/10. (Think ahead a little bit.)
Week of August 26
- KBARR: Read 20 minutes, get chart signed (in notebook), respond 1/2 page (in notebook) -- nightly through Thursday. (More response ideas here.)
- Attach handout to notebook by Tuesday.
- Vocabulary due Wednesday in notebook. For best results use
- Spelling 5x for the words you miss on Tuesday's pretest AND... 5 new words that follow this week's spelling rule due Friday. (On s/v sheet.)
- Test #1 on Friday. (Spelling, vocabulary, etc.)
Week of August 19 (School
Starts Thursday, Aug. 22.)
Read and sign class
expectations by Friday. (That would be the second
Quiz on expectations sheet on Friday.
Get a spiral notebook by Monday (in class),
Find a KBAR book by
Monday (night),
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