Tuesday, 1/14/14 - Assembly Schedule (2nd period) for Geography Bee.
Checking 600 words. Acceptable dates: 1/7-1/14.
Make a chart on the inside cover of your folder.

Warm Up--KoS. Write the answer. The whole word.
Choose from a) declarative  b) imperative  c) interrogative  d) exclamatory  for all answers except #10.
No peeking at the pink sheet.
  1. A question would be considered a ________ sentence. 
  2. In a(n) ________ sentence, the subject and the verb are often reversed. 
  3. A sentence like you might find in an encyclopedia entry would be called a(n) _______   sentence.
  4. A sentence where you tell someone to do something. 
  5. "Please tell me where Australia is located"
  6. "Will you enlighten us with your knowledge about Limburger"  
  7. "That is soooo unfair" 
  8. "That was a close call by the umpire"
  9. "The llama has fins for swimming"

  10. In an imperative sentence, the subject is usually _____.  

120 Seconds Begins.