Friday, 1/31/14 - Remember: A 600 word essay (rough draft) that fits one of the genres is due Tuesday!
Checking Giver responding (2x).
Prep sheet for Test #17.
Giver Responses: ____/40    Warm Ups: ____/6  ___/5  ____/12
Extra Credit: [8 or better on the vocab sheet], [10 or better on the vocab pretest]
Mental Floss.
  1. The more you take away the bigger it gets; the more you add, the smaller it becomes. What is it?
  2. What famous fictional character is represented here?   ants, beetles, termites, rabbit
  3. A man walks into a room, turns around and walks out the same door he went in. When he gets out he is in a different room than when he started. How is this possible?
  4. Which number should come next? 144, 121, 100, 81, 64,  _____  (Alert: math.)
  5.  Each of the following phrases can be rearranged into a single word. (All the words you end up with have something in common.) What are the words?
  6. Spell the word candy with just 2 letters.
  7. How many F's (capital or small--no trick here) are in the following sentence? Finished files are the result of years of scientific study combined with the experience of years.   (Alert: Counting.)

Test #17

Doodle Theme: