Wednesday, 5/21/14 (10/< 1. Oh my my...)
YEE #5. Use your own paper. Leave the fluff. NDP in upper right corner.
Title: YEE #5. Use 4-digit years for #1 and #2. Copy only the ones that say "Copy."
  1. Independence Day (M,D,Y):
  2. Pearl Harbor Day (M,D,Y):
  3. (Copy.) Title Page : __________ :: Works Cited : end
  4. (Copy.) 10% of 250 = _________
  5. (Copy.) 24/40 = ______% = ______(letter grade) 
  6. a) ______ books have been sitting b)_______ for a long time; I hope c)______ coming back soon. (Separate your answer with commas.)
  7. Copy the sentence below and label each word with its part of speech. 
Homer tripped very awkwardly, and hit his fat head on the door.

Alternative to YEE. 5/21/14. Answer on a separate sheet. Use the same sheet for each alternative and date them accordingly. At the end of the process turn in the sheet to collect your bonus credit. If you finish your YEE attempt early you may also participate in the extra credit.
  1. These word pairs are not in relation to each other, but if you find their synonyms, the two words will rhyme. Example : Plump Feline = Fat Cat 
    a) colorless crustacean  b) old story  c) big boat  d) timid gnat  e) kiss dog  
  2. If you call a tail a leg, how many legs does a dog have?
  3. Before Mount Everest was discovered, what was the highest mountain on Earth?
  4. The maker doesn’t want it; the buyer won’t use it; and the user doesn’t even see it. What is it?

"The Lottery"
Quiz Questions for After.
  1. (quote) Mrs. Jackson actually foreshadows the ending very early in the story. What is our first clue?
  2. How do they decide in what order to draw for the lottery?
  3. (quote) In the last paragraph, there is an especially horrifying line that shows just how deeply the lottery has warped this village. Quote it.
  4. How could the villagers argue that Tessie was wrong when she says, "It isn't fair"? (Hint: You could use a quote here from one of the villagers.)
  5. (quote) Old Man Warner actually says something that shows the original purpose of the lottery. Quote him.

Time? Start "Theme for English B."