Thursday, 11/14/13 - Have a great 3-day weekend!
Water Taste Tests are now due Tuesday. Extra Credit for Monday.
Yay! This is from an e-mail I received from the teacher in South Dakota:
"I am SO impressed with the blog posts your students have been doing.  I am amazed at the depth of their thinking and their thoughtful, mature responses.  What is your secret????  :-)  Thanks again for doing this; it has been a real treat for me.  I am going to encourage my students to get back on the blog and read your students' posts and respond--maybe they will continue the dialogue. You rock."
FakeBook Plagiarism

Mental Floss (It IS the last day of the week after all!)
Use the same sheet of paper you used yesterday.
  1. From what can you take away the whole and still have some left?
  2. I am more microscopic than microscopic; I am more minuscule than minuscule. I am smaller than small and I am tinier than tiny. Yet surprisingly, I am still big. What am I?
  3. Wacky Wordy. What phrase is represented?
  4. T 
  5. If men have two hands, and monkeys have four hands, what has three hands?
  6. Mr. Cheeselog wasted lots of money every day, and now he is a millionaire. How?
  7. Wacky Wordy. What phrase is represented?
    Spring - Hola     Summer - Bonjour    Fall - Hello     Winter - Aloha
"MoMS Quiz, 11/14/13." Write the ANSWER. Use the same sheet of paper you used yesterday. (15p)
We will do and correct 1-9 now. Then we will read to the end of Act I. Then we will watch the video version to the end and finish the last 6 questions.
  1. The resolution of The Outsiders is when...
  2. The meaning of the word scapegoat originated with a real goat.  a) True  b) False
  3. Always taking the same route to school is a good example of an idiosyncrasy.  a) True  b) False
  4. In the word insomnia, the prefix in- means able to.  a) True  b) False
  5. In the word prejudice, the prefix pre- means before.  a) True  b) False
  6. What do the people of Maple Street think the UFO is at first?  a) An alien spacecraft.  b) A low-flying plane.  c) A meteor.  d) A huge weather balloon.  e) None of the above.
  7. (p247) "It's a tree-lined, quiet residential American street..."  a) exposition  b) inciting action  c) resolution  d) rising action  e) theme  f) climax  g) simile  h) conflict
  8. What would be the inciting incident of our story?
  9. What would be our main conflict?
  10. This story is being told in ______ person.  a) 1st  b) 2nd  c) 3rd  d) 4th
  11. TBD after the video: The climax of the story was when...
  12. TBD after the video: "There are weapons that are simply thoughts, attitudes, prejudices..."  a) climax  b) theme  c) conflict  d) irony  e) point of view
  13. TBD after the video:  "Their world is full of Maple Streets. And we'll go from one to the other and let them destroy themselves."  a) exposition  b) inciting action  c) resolution  d) rising action  e) climax 
  14. TBD after the video:  Charlie: "Why, it's like going back to the dark ages or something."  a) climax  b) flashback  c) protagonist  d) irony  e) metaphor  f) theme  g) resolution
  15. TBD after the video: Who are the "monsters"?   a) Figure One and Figure Two  b) The people of the Twilight Zone.  c) The people of Maple Street.  d) Whoever sent the ship.  e) NOTA.
  16. (BONUS) TBD after the video: The script called originally said that the aliens should not be shown, that their form should be merely "hinted at." Why might the director of the tv version have decided to show us what they look like? (Hint: What did they look like?)