Tuesday, 11/19/13
Warm Up. Copy. Use your roots sheet to help you.
  1. * "again loosen" = ___
  2. * "beneath (less than) judge" = ___
  3. * "into cut thing" = ___
  4. * "breakable" =___
  5. * "cut things" = _____
  6. * (2) "judgment thing" =

Spelling Pretest #7. Choose the wrong one and write it correctly. Otherwise write "all correct."
  1. a) scissors  b) fragile  c) congestion  d) all correct
  2. a) digestion  b) infraction  c) incision  d) all correct
  3. a) appetite  b) compatition  c) insignia  d) all correct
  4. a) critique  b) hypocrite  c) decisive  d) all correct
  5. a) perpetual  b) designate  c) critisism  d) all correct
  6. a) resolve  b) memorabilia  c) memoire  d) all correct
  7. a) physician  b) physiology  c) assistent  d) all correct
  8. a) soluble  b) dissolve  c) begining  d) all correct

Non-Fiction Unit I: Bottled Water.
First: Discuss your experiment results.
Share methods and hypotheses.
Were you surprised by the results?
Why do people buy bottled water?

I. Poll. True or False? (notebook)
  1. Bottled water tastes better than tap water.
  2. Bottled water is safer than tap water.
  3. Plastic bottles get recycled.
  4. Bottled water is a convenient and easy way to drink water.
  5. Bottled water is a cheap enough source of clean water.
II. What are the key concepts here?

III. Make a chart. (notebook)

Put the key concepts into the appropriate columns.

IV. Asking Questions. (notebook)
Reform each T/F statement into a question. What more would you need to know in order to persuade someone to agree with your answer?

V. Watch For. (vocab sheet)
manufactured demand:
product life cycle:
designer product
materials economy:
Vocabulary words being used.

VI. "The Story of Bottled Water"