Tuesday, 11/19/13
Warm Up. Copy. Use your roots sheet to help you.
- * "again loosen" = ___
- * "beneath (less than) judge" = ___
- * "into cut thing" = ___
- * "breakable" =___
- * "cut things" = _____
- * (2) "judgment thing" =
Spelling Pretest #7. Choose the wrong one and write it correctly. Otherwise write "all correct."
- a) scissors b) fragile c) congestion d) all correct
- a) digestion b) infraction c) incision d) all correct
- a) appetite b) compatition c) insignia d) all correct
- a) critique b) hypocrite c) decisive d) all correct
- a) perpetual b) designate c) critisism d) all correct
- a) resolve b) memorabilia c) memoire d) all correct
- a) physician b) physiology c) assistent d) all correct
- a) soluble b) dissolve c) begining d) all correct
Non-Fiction Unit I: Bottled Water.
First: Discuss your experiment results.
Share methods and hypotheses.
Were you surprised by the results?
Why do people buy bottled water?
I. Poll. True or False? (notebook)
- Bottled water tastes better than tap water.
- Bottled water is safer than tap water.
- Plastic bottles get recycled.
- Bottled water is a convenient and easy way to drink water.
- Bottled water is a cheap enough source of clean water.
II. What are the key concepts here?
III. Make a chart. (notebook)
Put the key concepts into the appropriate columns.
IV. Asking Questions. (notebook)
Reform each T/F statement into a question. What more would you need to
know in order to persuade someone to agree with your answer?
V. Watch For. (vocab sheet)
manufactured demand:
product life cycle:
designer product
materials economy:
Vocabulary words being used.
VI. "The Story of Bottled Water"