Tuesday, 9/24/13
"Academic Words 2b, 9/24/13." Write the word, click, work on AW sheet.
  1. After listening to your arguments, I'm ______(ed) to agree that you might have too much homework.   a) document  b) outcome  c) specify  d) component  e) incline
  2. The _______(atic) diagram for the pinball machine covered several pages.  a) incline  b) scheme  c) illustrate  d) outcome  e) sequence
  3. Juliet bought all the ______(s) she needed and built her bike herself.  a) valid  b) outcome  c) specify  d) component  e) scheme
  4. Please allow me to _____ my point with a few examples.  a) contribute  b) coordinate  c) correspond  d) illustrate  e) sequence
  5. The astronaut and ground crew began the countdown ________.   a) incline  b) sequence  c) coordinate  d) outcome  e) specify
  6. Please ________ the color and size when you are ordering.  a) sufficient  b) sequence  c) constrain  d) outcome  e) specify
  7. After she left town, she still ______ (ed) with her friends back home via e-mail.  a) sequence  b) convene  c) correspond  d) consent  e) illustrate

Pink Sheet: Compound Sentence Part (p13)
Read Aloud. Partner up and DO!
 Correct #9-18.  Click in 1-8 + 2 more. 
Coumpound Sentence Parts Round I. 
For 1-8:   a) CS   b) CV 
9.  What part of speech are words like and, but, or?  a) nouns  b) adjectives  c) verbs  d) prepositions  e) NOTA 
10.   Is it possible to have a CS and a CV in the same sentence?  a) yes   b) no

 The Outsiders!