The Rorschach Test
After repeated letters from dozens of outraged psychologists
and psychiatrists claiming that this page "violates the copyright on
the Rorschach Test", we feel compelled to post this
notice: The information presented here, including the
outlines of the Rorschach inkblots, is not in violation of copyright
law. Please don't waste your time writing us to complain or
threatening to "turn us into the publisher".
Disclaimer Of UseReading the information
provided here could compromise the administration of the Rorschach
test, invalidating your answers. If you don't wish to take the
Rorschach test (and we suggest NOT taking it in the context
of a custody dispute if at all possible), tell the psychologist that
you are familiar with the Rorschach test, have read about the test
and have seen the inkblots. Any ethical psychologist will decline to
administer the test upon learning this, and the issue of the test's
validity will be a moot point.
Please note that the
sample responses shown below are not necessarily "good" responses to
the Rorschach. They are sample responses provided only for purposes
of illustration, and we don't advise anyone to use the sample
responses. What we advise is that you DO NOT take a Rorschach test
for any reason.
SPARC's position on the use of the
Rorschach test is that it is an inappropriate and unreliable test
for use in the context of a child custody evaluation, and that tests
such as the Bricklin
series or the MMPI-2
are more suitable and more reliable for use personality evaluations
in custody disputes. |
Related Articles: Additional
Rorschach Information Common
Psychological Tests
Most people have heard of the Rorschach test (pronounced
"raw-shock"), but few have ever seen a real Rorschach inkblot.
The blots are kept secret. When you see an inkblot in a popular article on
the test (as in the Encyclopaedia Britannica entry on the Rorschach test),
it's a fake: it's an an inkblot, but not one of the inkblots.
There are only ten Rorschach inkblots.
Psychologists want the
blots to remain a secret from the general public so that reactions to the
blots will be spontaneous. Hermann Rorschach hoped these spontaneous
reactions would yield valuable clues to the test subject's personality.
Whether they do remains controversial. Many psychologists think the
Rorschach test is hopelessly unreliable; others see it as one of the
cardinal tools of modern psychodiagnosis. Even among those who acknowledge
the value of the test, there is disagreement on interpretation of
Just as secret as the blots themselves are the ground
rules for administering the test. There are a few things that you, as a
subject, are supposed to know and a lot of things you aren't supposed to
know. If you ask about something you're not supposed to know, the
psychologist will give you a pat answer as prescribed in Rorschach
literature. For example, if you ask if it is okay to turn the card upside
down, the psychologist will respond that you may do as you like; it's up
to you. The psychologist won't say that many of the cards are easier to
interpret when turned; that most people do turn the cards; that he or she
will make a notation with a little arrowhead every time you do turn a
card; and that you lose points in the initiative department if you don't
turn the cards.
You'll be handed the cards one by one in the fixed
order devised by Rorschach (there are numbers on the backs of the cards
for the psychologist's benefit). The first card, for instance, looks like
a fox's head or a jack-o-lantern. The cards are thick, rectangular
cardboard, 6 5/8 inches by 9 1/5 inches. Half of the blots are black ink
on a white background. Two others are black and red ink on white, and the
last three blots are multicolored. The psychologist will always put each
card in your hands "right" side up.
You aren't supposed to know
it, but the psychologist will write down everything you say. This includes
any seemingly irrelevant questions you may have. To keep you from getting
wise, the psychologist always arranges to sit to your side and a little
behind you, so that you can't look at the card and the psychologist at the
same time. Most subjects realize the psychologist is taking notes, of
course, but they don't realize that the notes are a special shorthand
record of everything said. Some psychologists use hidden tape recorders.
The psychologist will also time how long it takes you to respond,
using a "tickless" watch. The psychologist will not ask you to hurry up or
slow down and will not make any reference to time, but response times (in
seconds) are one of the things he or she is writing in the notes.
Don't hold the card at an unusual angle. Watch how you phrase
things. Say "This looks like ..." or "This could be ..."
never "This is..." After all, you're supposed to realize that it
is just a blot of ink on a card. By the same token, don't be too literal
and say things as, "This is a blotch of black ink." Don't groan, get
emotional, or make irrelevant comments. Don't put your hands on the cards
to block out parts. The psychologist will watch for all of the foregoing
as signs of brain damage.
If there are no right answers for the
test, there are some general guidelines as to what is a normal response.
You can probably see images in the inkblots proper and in the white spaces
they enclose. Stick to the former. Don't be afraid of being obvious. There
are several responses that almost everyone gives; mentioning these shows
the psychologist you're a regular guy.
It is okay to be original
if you can justify what you see in the shape, shading, or color of the
blot. If you see an abalone and can point out why it looks like one, then
say so. Justifiable original responses are usually judged to be indicative
of creativity or intelligence.
You don't want non sequiturs,
images that don't fit the blot in the judgment of the psychologist. These
may be signs of psychosis.
You're expected to see more than one
thing on all or most of the cards. Not being able to see anything on a
card suggests neurosis. Usually the more things you can see, the better,
as long as they fit the form and color of the blot. Of course, you can see
things in the whole blot or in parts of it, and images may overlap.
Since time is a factor, it is important to come up with good
answers fast. (It looks particularly bad if you take a long time and give
a dumb, inappropriate answer.) Copyright restrictions prevent us from
showing you the blots themselves, so we'll use outlines. We'll refer to
the blots as psychologists do, as Plates I through X. The psychologist
won't mention the numbers to you, but the blots will always be in order.
Please note that some
personal firewall products may prevent these images from
appearing. If this occurs, disable your firewall temporarily to
view the images. |
Black ink. A roughly triangular shape, point down,
suggesting a broad, foxlike face with prominent ears. Naughty bits: a pair
of breasts (rounded projections at top of blot); a vertical female figure,
her torso partly visible through a gauzy dress (along center line).
The first blot is easy. How fast you answer is taken as an
indication of how well you cope with new situations. The best reaction is
to give one of the most common responses immediately. Good answers are
bat, butterfly, moth, and (in center of blot) a female figure. Mask,
jack-o'-lantern, and animal face are common responses too, but in some
interpretation schemes they suggest paranoia. A bad response is any that
says something untoward about the central female figure. "She" is often
judged to be a projection of your own self-image. Avoid the obvious
comment that the figure has two breasts but no head.
If you don't
give more than one answer for Plate I, many psychologists will drop a
hint--tell you to look closer.
Black and red ink. Two dark-gray splotches suggesting
dancing figures. Red splotches at top of each figure and at bottom center.
Naughty bits: penis (upper center, black ink); vagina (the red area at
bottom center).
It is important to see this blot as two human
figures usually females or clowns. If you don't, it's seen as a sign that
you have trouble relating to people. You may give other responses as well,
such as cave entrance (the triangular white space between the two figures)
and butterfly (the red "vagina," bottom center).
Should you
mention the penis and vagina? Not necessarily. Every Rorsehach plate has
at least one obvious representation of sexual anatomy. You're not expected
to mention them all. In some interpretation schemes, mentioning more than
four sex images in the ten plates is diagnostic of schizophrenia. The
trouble is, subjects who took Psychology 101 often assume they should
detail every possible sex response, so allowances must be made. Most
Rorschach workers believe the sex images should play a part in the
interpretation of responses even when not mentioned. You may not say that
the lower red area looks like a vagina, but psychologists assume that what
you do say will show how you feel about women. Nix on "crab"; stick with
Black and red ink. Two obvious .figures (black ink)
facing each other. Butterfly-shaped red blot between the figures; an
elongated red blot behind each figure's head. Naughty bits: penises and
breasts (at anatomically appropriate positions for each figure).
This is the blot that supposedly can determine sexual preference.
Most people see the two human figures. Both figures have prominent
"breasts" and an equally prominent "penis." If you don't volunteer the
gender of the figures, you'll be asked to specify it. By the traditional
interpretation, seeing the figures as male is a heterosexual response (for
test subjects of both sexes). Describing the figures as female or
acknowledging the androgynous nature of the blot is supposed to be a
homosexual response. Does it work? Not really--many straights describe the
figures as women, and not all gays give a gay response. A 1971 study at
Mount Sinai Hospital in New York showed the traditionally heterosexual
response (two male figures) to be declining in popularity.
splotches of red ink are usually perceived separately. Common responses
are "bow-tie" or "ribbon" (inner red area) and a stomach and esophagus
(outer red areas).
Black ink. A roughly triangular blot, point up, with
the two lower comer regions resembling boots or pet. Naughty bits: two
penises (on either side of blot, near top of triangle); vagina (on center
line near top of blot).
Plate IV is the "father card." At
first glance it is a difficult blot to see as a single image. The "boots"
are fairly conspicuous; between them is the apparent head of a dog or
Chinese dragon. Many subjects see the blot as an animal skin. After a few
seconds, though, most can see it as a standing figure seen from
The boots become the feet, enlarged because of the unusual
perspective. The arms and head, at the top, are smaller. Common
descriptions are bear, gorilla, or man in a heavy coat. Bad descriptions
are monster or attacking bear or gorilla-Rorschach theorists
equate your description of the figure with your perception of your father
or male authority figures.
Black ink. A simple, batlike shape. Naughty bits: two
penises (the "ears" or "antennae").
Rorschach himself thought
this was the easiest blot to interpret. It is a bat or a butterfly,
period. You don't want to mention anything else. Seeing the projections on
the ends of the bat wings as crocodile heads signifies hostility. Seeing
the paired butterfly antennae or feet as scissors or pliers signifies a
castration complex. Schizophrenics sometimes see moving people in this
blot. Many psychologists take particular note of the number of responses
given to this plate. If you mention more images here than in either Plate
IV or VI, it is suggestive of schizophrenia.
Black ink. An irregular shape like that of an
animal-skin rug. Naughty bits: penis (center line at top); vagina (below
Plate VI is the most difficult blot. The
best-rendered penis of all the blots is at top, but few subjects mention
it. The rest of the blot doesn't look like much of anything. Some hold
that the value of this blot is to have the subject grope for images and
possibly reveal subconscious attitudes about sexuality.
the secret of this plate is to turn it. A good response is to say it looks
like an animal hide (about the only reasonable response when held right
side up), then turn it on its side and say it looks like a boat or
surfaced submarine with reflection, and then turn it upside down and say
it looks like a mushroom cloud, a pair of theater masks, or caricatures of
men with long noses and goatees.
Black ink. A U-shaped blot, each side of the U
resembling a female figure in a narrow-waisted dress. Naughty bits: a
vagina (on center line at bottom of U).
Christina Crawford
meets projective psychology: This blot is supposed to reveal how you
really feel about your mother. Virtually everyone sees two girls or women.
Deprecating descriptions of the figures~ "witches," "gossips," "girls
fighting," "spinsters" indicate poor maternal relations. Seeing the blot
as thunderclouds instead of female figures suggests anxiety to some
psychologists; seeing it as a walnut kernel may mean a vulvar fixation.
There is an entirely different side to this blot, but you're not
supposed to see it. The white space between the girls or women can be
interpreted as an oil lamp or similar object. It is claimed that only
schizophrenics usually see the lamp.
Pink, blue, gray, and orange ink. An almost circular
array of interconnected forms--a gray triangle (point up) at top, a pair
of blue rectangles in the center, a pink and orange splotch at bottom, and
two pink "animal" shapes forming the right and left sides of the circle.
Naughty bits: a vagina (pink-orange area at bottom).
first full-color card is easy. It is important that you see the
four-legged animals- lions, pigs, bears, etc. -on the sides of the blot.
They're one of the most common responses on the test, and you're assumed
to be a mental defective if you don't see them. Other good responses are
tree (gray triangle at top), butterfly (pink and orange area at bottom),
and rib cage or anatomy chart (skeletal pattern in center between blue
rectangles and gray triangles). The entire configuration can be seen as a
heraldic design (good answer) or a Christmas tree with ornaments
(reaching). Children tend to like this blot and say a lot about it-the
bright colors and animal shapes make it more interesting than your basic
penis/vagina number (II, IV, or VI).
Green, orange, and pink ink. A very irregular upright
rectangle. Orange at top, protruding green areas at center, pink at
bottom. Naughty bits: a vagina (center line at bottom).
aren't many good answers here. If you're going to throw up your hands
(figuratively; see warning about emotional outbursts above) and plead a
mental block, this is the place to do it. The colors clash, apparently by
Rorschach's design. Good answers are a fire with smoke, an explosion (but
paranoids are claimed more apt to note the pale green mushroom cloud on
the center line at top), a map, anatomy, or a flower. If you turn the card
ninety degrees, you can make out a man's head in the pink areas at bottom.
(The man is identified as Mark Twain, Santa Claus, or Teddy Roosevelt.) A
bad response is to describe the orange areas at top as monsters or men
fighting---a sign of poor social development. As with Plate V, the
psychologist may be counting the number of responses you give to this blot
for comparison with the preceding and succeeding blots. You want to give
fewer responses to this blot.
Pink, blue, gray, green, yellow, and orange ink. A
loose assortment of brightly colored shapes, the most chaotic of the
plates. Naughty bits: penis and testes (top center, gray ink).
The unspoken purpose of this last blot is to test your
organizational ability. Plate X is full of colorful odds and ends easy to
identify---blue spiders, gray crabs, paired orange maple seeds, green
caterpillars, a light-green rabbit's head, yellow and orange fried
eggs--and you're expected to list them. But the psychologist will also be
looking for a comprehensive answer, something that shows you grok the
whole Gestalt. There are two good holistic answers: sea life and a view
through a microscope. Some subjects see two reddish faces at top center,
separated by the orange maple key. If you describe them as blowing bubbles
or smoking pipes, it may be interpreted as evidence of an oral fixation.
Seeing the gray "testes" and "penis" as two animals eating a stick or tree
indicates castration anxiety.
Additional Notes: Many professionals feel that the
Rorschach is outdated, inaccurate, and meaningless. For example:
"Nobody agrees how to score Rorschach responses
objectively. There is nothing to show what any particular response means
to the person who gives it. And, there is nothing to show what it means
if a number of people give the same response. The ink blots are
scientifically useless." (Bartol, 1983).
"The only
thing the inkblots do reveal is the secret world of the examiner who
interprets them. These doctors are probably saying more about themselves
than about the subjects." (Anastasi, 1982).
What these
comments seem to indicate is that the Rorschach is potentially unreliable,
easily mis-interpreted, and essentially
not a valid means of
determining what it claims to detect. For more information on the use and
potential unreliability of the Rorschach test (including comments sent in
to us by mental health professionals) read the
Rorschach Information page and "
Misuse of
Psychological Tests in Forensic Settings: Some Horrible Examples" by
Ralph Underwager and Hollida Wakefield.
Another point worth noting
is that even the APA doesn't condone the use of 'outdated' tests, which
the Rorschach would certainly qualify under:
Obsolete Tests and Outdated Test Results.
(a) Psychologists do not base their assessment or intervention
decisions or recommendations on data or test results that are outdated
for the current purpose.
(b) Similarly, psychologists do not
base such decisions or recommendations on tests and measures that are
obsolete and not useful for the current purpose.
Finally, you
may also take the
Rorschach Test online if you like. :)