Wednesday, 4/22/15
Warm Up. Copy 1-2. All spelling answers will be words from one of the two previous warm ups.
  1. * soothe : irritation :: satisfy : _______
  2. * perpendicular : parallel :: non-profit : ________
  3. * (4) He was _______ about his upcoming ________, and _________(ly) awaited his _________
  4. * (4) Please wear ______ ______  to school, or you might ______ the teachers and _____ yourself.

  5. ** ______
  6. ** ______
  7. ** ______
  8. ** ______
  9. ** Now that he had found religion, the former criminal wanted ______ for the things he had done.
  10. ** Mr. Coward's lowest grade in seventh grade was  for ________. Obviously  he had some trouble following the rules too. 
  11. ** Mr. Coward does not _______ the use of phones in class.
  12. ** Some people think that the Narnia series is a religious  _________, with Aslan the lion representing Christ.
Vocabulary Relay!?

Transitions II.
similarly, third, nevertheless, however, as a result, then, for instance, therefore
  1. She had been studying for hours. _________, she hoped to do well on the test. 
  2. First, Mary went to the store. _________, she went to visit her mother. 
  3. I would like to read many books; ___________, I don’t seem to have enough time to read.
  4. John ate and ate; ________, he never gained weight. 
  5. Joe ate too fast. _______, he had indigestion.
